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(Showing 11383 - 11403 of 11687 Results)
Why Did Daddy Leave?
Story by angel (27)
There was a love like no other between a daughter and her father. She loved him and never though... (continued)
2 mins
Words: 578
Read Time: 2 mins
Satan vs. God
Story by hannahbelle (28)
satan vs. God
1 min
Words: 372
Read Time: 1 min
Non Pianificate
Story by fordgurl722 (32)
Hi, my name is Zephyr. I'm nineteen and I live with my husband Zander and my baby boy, Korbyn. I would like to tell my story though.
8 mins
Words: 1721
Read Time: 8 mins
El Verdadero Amor
Story by lildiva315 (28)
A girl gets pregnat and decides its best to leave everything behind, and move far away. The guys mom knows, but promises not to tell him. After about a year she comes back to reveal the truth. They ge
4 mins
Words: 999
Read Time: 4 mins
living forever
Story by matiekay (31)
Would living forever really be that great?
3 mins
Words: 718
Read Time: 3 mins
Mother's Love
Story by kennethfch (31)
This is a heart-warming story about the love that a mother gave to her child.
3 mins
Words: 656
Read Time: 3 mins
Story by gigglez17 (34)
1 min
Words: 331
Read Time: 1 min
Tila Tequila
Story by SingKYEE (39)
a love story with obstacles
5 mins
Words: 1105
Read Time: 5 mins
Rolls Royce of Toilets
Story by SingKYEE (39)
A mythical battle between life and death
2 mins
Words: 436
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by SingKYEE (39)
Life is one big story, Live it so you can tell it later. I live for the experiences.
10 mins
Words: 2161
Read Time: 10 mins
Something More Important
Story by ii_lilian_limexp (35)
The dad just realized he has lost his most prized possession.
<1 min
Words: 123
Read Time: <1 min
Welcome to Your Personal Hell.
Story by ebur (28)
Raine keeps hearing lies from everyone, here, there, everywhere. She has basically given up hope, but maybe if someone just told even a small simple truth and be a little honest to her, she can find t
7 mins
Words: 1426
Read Time: 7 mins
What now? A story of a vampire
Story by hannahbelle (28)
Where do you run when you know they will find you? When do you run when you know they are faster the... (continued)
2 mins
Words: 541
Read Time: 2 mins
imagine this mothers pain.
Story by hannahbelle (28)
Eradessa was killed because of her mother.imagiene how horrible her mom must feel for killing her own daughter.
1 min
Words: 242
Read Time: 1 min
Story by luvbub_xox (34)
Based on something that anybody could have happen to them. Youve just gotter learn that more people are worst off then you.
1 min
Words: 319
Read Time: 1 min
The Untold
Story by luvbub_xox (34)
It COULD be a true could be whateva u want it to be... But it's about the moment that Shelly thought she'd neva see the daylight again...
1 min
Words: 313
Read Time: 1 min
Scars tell a million stories
Story by listentowhatihave (31)
Just like every other day, she dreaded what she’d see before her. She stared into the mirror, impe... (continued)
7 mins
Words: 1537
Read Time: 7 mins
Story by mazharabro (53)
A Short Story from Sindhi Literature Author: Mazhar Abro Translated by: Hafeez Darban.
19 mins
Words: 3800
Read Time: 19 mins
Sadistic Whispers
Story by WhiteLace (43)
What if someone in your family had a secret? And what if that secret was about to find you in the middle of terror and possibly death?
4 mins
Words: 941
Read Time: 4 mins
Debra Anne
Story by oogley92 (31)
There is something special about Debra
2 mins
Words: 421
Read Time: 2 mins
The D*** Dog
Story by pscho_blonde (27)
A young boy gets in trouble for cussing and doesnt get what he wants for Christmas.To bad he doesnt know it.
<1 min
Words: 199
Read Time: <1 min