Horror Short Stories
Random Horror Short Stories
Vanishing Justice
Story by Chris-r82
Two crimes, Two Guilty men, One mysterious stranger. Can it really be a coincidence that both men vanished after coming into contact with this stranger?
The Unforgiven
Story by amiee_123
Imagine standing where you know that you’re not alone. Imagine not being able to not know where it is. Imagine that it knows where you are but not where you thought you were. That’s just your ima
Most Favorited Horror Short Stories
Story by matthewmeager
Forgotten Friend
Story by Skyler Kapuschinsky
When you are young, and you have an imaginary friend, what happens to it when you grow up and forget about it?
The Room
Story by Author Unknown
The Elevator Numbers
Story by xXGLB-LifeStudioXx
Stuck in the Elevator she heard a voice, What happen next? You’ll just have to find out.
Top Horror Short Stories
Run Rabbit Run
Story by StephLiBen
Michael is a detective and a hunter and his prey are demons. But it's not just demons he should fear, something else is hunting the demons, something destructive and deadly.
She's Back... Pt1
Story by Krypton
An unsolved case about a girl who is suspected of being murdered after going missing, and 7 years later she appears and calls her murderer.
Forgotten Friend
Story by Skyler Kapuschinsky
When you are young, and you have an imaginary friend, what happens to it when you grow up and forget about it?
Most Viewed Horror Short Stories
Story by leethompson
A couple's long-awaited holiday takes a bizarre twist as they visit a small town in the South West of England.
The Travelling Man
Poem by JessPagan8
Out of the gloom comes the travelling man, tall as a tree with fingers the colour of bone, searching for little children to see what magic tricks shift and writhe in his suitcase...
My Strange Friend - The Police
Story by Muxima
Hello readers this story is about My strange friend
It’s about a girl that has a strange friend that always looks for her when it’s time for closing time.
I hope you enjoy it?
Latest Horror Short Stories
Story by hercules
A sailing vessel enters the treacherous Bermuda Triangle. What terrors await the sailors?
What becomes of them? Do they survive?
Story by hercules
A monster is being released into an enclosure, but things go horribly wrong.
Story by hercules
A hunter goes into a forest to hunt a monster. What monster is it? Does the hunter become the hunted?
The Dolls Of Valeria
Story by Lorient Montaner
Guests are invited to the funeral of Valeria, who mysteriously was killed by her deranged father. They soon learn about the creepy nature of the dolls.
The Voodoo Curse
Story by Lorient Montaner
Charles Beauregard purchases a mansion nearby New Orleans, but he soon discovers the terrible curse that afflicts him.
The Heresy
Story by Lorient Montaner
Several guests are invited the Abernathy Castle in Scotland for an inheritance. Little would they suspect the horror they would confront there.
The Wolves Of Roussillon
Story by Lorient Montaner
Dr Watford travels to Roussillon to discover there are secretly werewolves.
The Werg
Story by Lorient Montaner
A Saxon warrior by the name of Oswin is chosen to defeat the menacing creature called the Werg.
The Story of Carillion Craine or the Death Upon the Ash Path
Story by Mitzi Danielson-Kaslik
Crime, death and drugs. And a young girl who might not have the whole truth.
The Wraiths Of The Calahorra
Story by Lorient Montaner
Juan Carlos Talavera is sent to the prison of the Calahorra, where he discovers the roaming spectres that dwell there.
The Dark Legacy
Story by Lorient Montaner
During the spring of the year 1968, a young American couple had recently arrived at the village of Pluckley in southeastern England to inherit a manor, but they will discover the horror there.
The Cats Of Talamanca
Story by Lorient Montaner
There is an ancient castle in Sicily where the cats impose fear and reverence.
The Imposter
Story by Lorient Montaner
After the death of his father, Martin Eichenwald is confronted by his doppelganger, who will usurp his name and position.
Story by hercules
Twenty three sailors go to sea onboard a ship called THE SEA DRAGON. Everything goes well at first, but the weather changes and a terrible storm comes. Can things get worse than a devastating storm?
Bon Appetite
Story by J.B
A wealthy food critic decides to go out for a meal. He's known for his scything columns, and restaurant owners fear his displeasure can bankrupt their restaurants. They take action...
Story by J.B
Martin lives alone in the woods in an old cabin. One day, he runs out of electricity and must call a technician to help him. But things don't go the way they should...
Haunted Nights (Lonely Nights "Parody")
Poem by AaronTheRocker
Not a stereotypical parody, but re-visioned for this spooky month.
Story by hercules
A group of rowers goes out to sea onboard a rowing vessel, but something nightmarish happens.
The Old Hag
Story by Lorient Montaner
Graham Crandall, a doctor is summoned to examine the dead body of a Countess Villalobos. There he discovers the haunting truth about the countess and the evil in the mansion.
The Tremors Of Abaddon
Story by Lorient Montaner
Roger Alvarado a scientist from the University of San Francisco, is sent to study a recent earthquake at the town of Abaddon. He discovers then, the true horror of the town and earthquake.
The Medusan Experiment
Story by Lorient Montaner
Nathan Westbrook, an American scientist is sent to the front in Ypres in Belgium, during the Great War. He encounters an evil experiment and German scientist that is freezing to death soldiers.
Story by Lorient Montaner
Francisco Damián from Málaga comes to the coastal village of Foz to start over, but he soon discovers the haunting secret of A Serea.
The Indweller
Story by Lorient Montaner
Mr Brumby is sent by the bank to check on an abandoned manor. He soon discoveries, a haunting indweller.
The Arms Of Morpheus
Story by Lorient Montaner
Prometheus is a man that is tortured by his hallucinations and fears sleeping. He thinks that if he sleeps for a long period of time, he will not awaken.
The Shadows Of The Gargoyles
Story by Lorient Montaner
Josep Muntaner arrives by carriage in the evening of 1900, to the home of Count Felip Balaguer, a nobleman from Catalonia, but discovers the haunting secret of the Castle Balaguer.
The Humanoid
Story by Lorient Montaner
In the year of 1918, a ship called the Holberg reaches the South Pole, to discover new fossils, but in the end uncovers the horror of an alien humanoid stuck in the ice for centuries.
The Demon Head
Story by Lorient Montaner
An American archaeologist travels in the year of 1919, to the rain forest of Brazil to find the pygmies, but what he discovers that is shocking, is a demon head that he brings back to America.
The Camarilla of Lilith
Story by JPYoung
'Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live.' - Robert F. Kennedy
Salem's Mist
Story by Lorient Montaner
In the year of 1790, a horrifying mist surrounds the town of Salem, killing the inhabitants.
The Atomic One
Story by Lorient Montaner
Werner Von Bauer a physicist from Vienna, Austria has a new neighbour, and he soon discovers that the neighbour he has, is no ordinary stranger.
The Man From The Renaissance
Story by Lorient Montaner
An art collector meets a Renaissant painter only to discover that he has met an unknown painter from the Renaissance period, born centuries ago.
Creepy Camille
Story by Lorient Montaner
A journalist from New York visits an elderly Confederate soldier in the Appalachians to interview. He soon discovers the horrific secret of the Appalachians.
The Skadegamooch
Story by Lorient Montaner
A British soldier in the year of 1814 discovers the vampiric witch called the Skadegamooch.
The Curse Of The Sakura
Story by Lorient Montaner
Eugene Carlson, an American businessman visits an old friend in Kyoto, to discover the haunting truth of his family secret.
Story by Lorient Montaner
Mr Westbrook a soldier pays a visit along his travel to an old friend of his father, Lord Broderick. Little would he know of the horrible secret of the manor.
A Passing Pair in Portland's Past
Story by JPYoung
Isn't it strange how your family can be strangers, but strangers can be your family?
Man in the Mirror
Story by Blitzø
It's about time we got into the Halloween spirit! So I present to youuuuu... the Man in the Mirror! (And, no, this does not have anything to do with the song sung by Michael Jackson.)
Story by Lorient Montaner
Carlos Luque, a Californian by birth, but Andalusian by descent. visits his ailing uncle of whom he has not seen in years. He discovers the secret behind the mystery of the death of his uncle's wife.
Story by leethompson
A couple's long-awaited holiday takes a bizarre twist as they visit a small town in the South West of England.