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(Showing 11215 - 11235 of 11687 Results)
Story by princerighty1 (31)
Weekly new stories about a teenager's life, living with depression, but still hoping to be happy like his friends.
3 mins
Words: 678
Read Time: 3 mins
Hidden love.
Story by lover123 (34)
Two friends fall in love in a dark moment...
3 mins
Words: 634
Read Time: 3 mins
Feeling the highest level of pain for the night and wake up tomorrow a
Story by adhie12 (35)
Being single is a Blessing!
1 min
Words: 392
Read Time: 1 min
Dancing to the Music of Life
Story by adhie12 (35)
Sharing a better view in Life with God...
2 mins
Words: 597
Read Time: 2 mins
The Great Pretender
Story by adhie12 (35)
Another Way of dealing to Emotions and Baggages that you can no more take..
1 min
Words: 387
Read Time: 1 min
How Much can you Give in Love?
Story by adhie12 (35)
A Better new outlook in Love with God on the center as Your Best Foundation.. Strong Indeed..
4 mins
Words: 997
Read Time: 4 mins
Christmas Means.. Family... Home.. Healing..
Story by adhie12 (35)
A better new outlook in celebrating holidays without someone you love and value the most.. Having a glimpse of new hope...
5 mins
Words: 1198
Read Time: 5 mins
It Was you...
Story by adhie12 (35)
sharing some untold feelings.. Feelings I can no more content to myself....
1 min
Words: 391
Read Time: 1 min
Once Upon a Yesterday ( A Story to Tell)
Story by adhie12 (35)
Sad but still hoping...
1 min
Words: 237
Read Time: 1 min
Unshed Tears
Story by adhie12 (35)
A sad short story but still has its own hope in the end. hope you'll like it...
3 mins
Words: 753
Read Time: 3 mins
This is Pain
Story by loveless (28)
What is pain? Most people would know the answer to that. If you'd asked me that question a few months ago I wouldn't know the answer either. But now it's a few months later and I'm sitting here writin
5 mins
Words: 1034
Read Time: 5 mins
Things change fast
Story by marrm23 (30)
when my sister runaway
5 mins
Words: 1005
Read Time: 5 mins
The Love Station
Story by Max (51)
Feelings of despair eventually turning into hope
5 mins
Words: 1106
Read Time: 5 mins
Ebony Eyes
Story by philneale1952 (71)
Ricky never dreamed that he'd meet a girl so beautiful, but the song which plagued him set him off on a journey which would have devastating consequences.
15 mins
Words: 3053
Read Time: 15 mins
The Day I Left The Womb
Story by SuperRussianGirl (26)
I know its not story, but its a poem with a story in it. Its about a Son who writes in a journal that has never met his parents. He lives with his brother but it feels like there is no brother there.
<1 min
Words: 137
Read Time: <1 min
Its Different In America
Story by SuperRussianGirl (26)
1st Person Fiction. Victoria is a young Russian immigrant that doesnt know right from wrong. When a man named Aaron meets her, Victoria's life goes downhill...
2 mins
Words: 531
Read Time: 2 mins
My best friend
Story by Mimi (31)
This is just a small part of what has happend in my life recently tought i would write it to help me.. Cope with it... Its about me My bestfriend and her boyfriend
1 min
Words: 303
Read Time: 1 min
Last Moments with my Dad
Story by sonya (55)
This story is about the last profound moments between father and daughter and how as a parent you should always let your children know how much you care about them no matter how hard it is for you to
2 mins
Words: 517
Read Time: 2 mins
we say it would be alright
Story by sweetmoon (35)
she was blind, how could she not see how much i loved her?
1 min
Words: 282
Read Time: 1 min
I want to sing for my mother
Story by DianaVictor (34)
A kid is a gift for us. Appreciate everything that they do for us. Or else, you'll regret if you can't see them again in the future.
3 mins
Words: 789
Read Time: 3 mins
I Love you until the end of time
Story by DianaVictor (34)
We are destined to meet.. to fall in love... to create a dream. but we never can predict. what will happen next?
4 mins
Words: 802
Read Time: 4 mins