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Funny Short Stories

Random Funny Short Stories

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Why did you stop the car suddenly?!
Story by azimasri
A funny story about a man who hit other people car at the back.
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Jonjo and the Turf Thieves
Story by mudswimmer
An Irish farmer keeps having his turf stolen but discovers an unusual and effective way to deter the thieves. Based on a true event.
Sick Room
Story by magnamata
A couple try to get some sleep, and eventually succeed.
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The Writing Bureau
Story by mudswimmer
A fake letter left in a writing bureau brings two people together, but there are other unforseen consequences.
Little Old Lady
Story by Galaxian
A little old lady talks to a defence attorney about uncanny experience....

Most Favorited Funny Short Stories

Can I have a bl*w job?
Story by Galaxian
A nightmare scenario ensues when this guy asks his girlfriend for something cheeky outside of her family home.
You Think YOU'RE Having A Bad Day?
Story by Galaxian
If you think you're having a bad day, wait until you read this funny short story.
Men Don't Listen
Story by Galaxian
Proof men don't listen when this man uses the ladies room.
The Chili Fart
Story by Galaxian
'The Chili Fart' is a funny short story about the misfortunes of a guy who had a bad stomach after eating some chili. Reading is a guaranteed laugh.
Under the Covers
Story by Optimism101
What happens under the bedsheets?

Top Funny Short Stories

Can I have a bl*w job?
Story by Galaxian
A nightmare scenario ensues when this guy asks his girlfriend for something cheeky outside of her family home.
Men Don't Listen
Story by Galaxian
Proof men don't listen when this man uses the ladies room.
His First Time
Story by Galaxian
Funny story about a young guy who tells his parents about his first time, with a very funny twist at the end.
The Life Of A Teen-Aged Mess #1
Story by WannabeArora
My life is pretty simple. I go to Good will middle. I'm in eighth grade. I have a best friend, and had a boyfriend. So yeah my life is perfect, right? WRONG!!!!! My name is Nicole Blake I'm 14 years old and my life is a MESS!!!
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Back to School, Fools!!!
Story by Despicable_Moi
School time! No more self-distancing!

Most Viewed Funny Short Stories

The Wash Cloth (Gynecologist Joke)
Story by Galaxian
Funny short story about a woman who visits the gynecologist, but unwittingly made preparations that she didn't intend.
You Think YOU'RE Having A Bad Day?
Story by Galaxian
If you think you're having a bad day, wait until you read this funny short story.
The Chili Fart
Story by Galaxian
'The Chili Fart' is a funny short story about the misfortunes of a guy who had a bad stomach after eating some chili. Reading is a guaranteed laugh.
Can I have a bl*w job?
Story by Galaxian
A nightmare scenario ensues when this guy asks his girlfriend for something cheeky outside of her family home.
Why Is There an Angel on Top of the Christmas Tree?
Story by Galaxian
A funny Christmas Story where Santa feels the frustrations of being Father Christmas.

Latest Funny Short Stories

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Last Days of School
Story by Paul Davies
Archie Henderson. He is expelled for stopping the physical assault on a fellow pupil by a prefect. This will prevent him from attending university, which will prevent him attending university.
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The Three Jolly Boatmen
Story by Paul Davies
This is an homage to Kangaroo Island. While is a humorous piece it also covers the devastation of the big bush fire in early 2020.
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Story by HSuys
countdown to inauguration day
The potato incident
Story by HomelessDan
A boy recollects a childhood incident involving an old school friend and a potato. (WARNING- contains frequent swear words)
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Snooping in the sun
Story by HomelessDan
A short story about a women who finds a notebook in the summer heat next to a corpse. Should she alert the police...or pick it up and read it?
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Descent to the Ninth Circle
Story by JPYoung
An account of a mercenary operation set in no named country during the 1980's, think The Dogs of War meets The Three Stooges. I have served in several military forces and farces.
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Story by HSuys
funny covid-19 related sf
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Thanksgiving: The Holiday Celebrated With Homicide!
Story by Kat Dickens
A funny twist to the all you can eat holiday, know as thanksgiving, that is told through the eyes of the main dish, a turkey!
Hilarious Painful Dream
I finally found love..... Just like the Hollywood movies
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Just Chatting
Story by Scriptorius
Presented with love by the partnership of Scriptorius and Aquarius
The Wedding
Story by Shaun French
The big day is near but there's someone missing.
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Candy Store
Story by cricket
Anna walked to a candy store.
Watch Your Step
Story by King
Personally, I would have wished to fly
3 Men Go to Hell
Story by King
If you don't enjoy dark humour then stay away from this
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Story by HSuys
Brief conversation
What Grumpy Thought Of Snow White
Story by 1949
Was Grumpy the curmudgeon we've been led to believe, or did he just hide his true emotions?
Jamie's New Girlfriend
Story by ExiledLondoner
It's no fun being the only single, childless bloke at a kid's party, and Jamie would rather drop his present off and leave. Unfortunately, everyone's found out about his new girlfriend.
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As You Were
Story by Scriptorius
Another story from the Aquarian Madazine Pending File
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Shoot The Messenger
Story by Scriptorius
In loving memory of Scriptorius. Another story from my Madazine Pending File.
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The Deaf Man
Story by Sansid
A funny story of a deaf man who goes and meets his friend.
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The Missing Wine Case
Story by RSilver
Bud Insky tries to find who stole the wine before Shabbat starts.
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Story by J.B
They have been married for many years now and Carlos is no longer a young and handsome man. Yet she is happy. How?
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Talking Cat
Story by Despicable_Moi
Basically every conversation with my kitty...
The Gardener
Story by Jane Bean
Join Gerald as he takes a well-deserved rest in his sun lounger, and enjoy the final twist - or are there two?
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My "Foot" Problem
Story by RSilver
A man's encounter with nature in an unusual way.
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The Puppet Master
Story by RSilver
A sarcastic detective short story of a real crime.
Story by Storm
Have a problem with things messing with your teeth? Ever just wanted to say "no" to going to get your teeth cleaned? Perhaps you'll take better care from now on with this short story.
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All At Sea
Story by Scriptorius
A recent radio shipping forecast.
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Stevie Nicks and a Horse With No Name
Poem by Anthony E
If you liked AIRPLANE! You might hate this.
Red Nail Polish
Story by majmaj
Tell Me Your Final Choice Ma'am: Do You Want A Red Nail Polish or My Marriage Certificate?
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Poem by Anthony E
A Children's Story (poem) about confidence and courage.
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Don't Mess With Momma
Poem by Anthony E
A short children's poem on bullying and a Momma's powerful love.
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Local Man Driven to Insanity From Lack of Things to Do!
Story by Aidan Wheeler
A (hopefully) relatable story about the lack of things to do at this time in quarantine!
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An Important Family
Story by Anthony E
An Important piece of writing.
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A Chicken, White Tack and a Chimney Sweep
Story by Ricks
Raphael Ravenscroft suddenly fires up and fills the speakers of the bedside digital clock. That riff. And what a riff. That infectious sound, a creation of pure genius by the coming together of ......
Dead End at Holly Street
Story by stombell
Two boys discover more than they bargained for when they take a dark journey into the unknown.
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Tommy Noonan & the Summer of 84'
Story by Anthony E
The story is about the trials of growing up in 1984. It's part fiction-part observations.
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One of My Many Memories
Poem by supernova
A childhood memory.
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Trophies for Everyone?
Story by Anthony E
Satire regarding winning and winning.
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The Importance Of Seeing The Funny Side
Story by Scriptorius
A suggestion to ease the pressure on the health systems of our world.
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Cat Fight
Story by Despicable_Moi
Two bickering cats prepare to fight.
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The Village Fete 2012
Story by Jane Bean
Do you enjoy black humour? This is a seemingly innocuous tale, but wait for the twist!
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Back to School, Fools!!!
Story by Despicable_Moi
School time! No more self-distancing!
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The Big Deal
Story by Despicable_Moi
A little girl doesn't understand what "The big deal" is about the Apollo 11 landing.
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A World Wide Crime
Poem by Anthony E
Satire, focusing on football fanatics and how their passion can bypass real life and death problems.
Story by Benartflick
A brief look at two future movie stars before moving to Hollywood. Their names have been changed to make it impossible to guess who they are.
All Audiences You Shall Smash
Story by Durandal
"I was told this was a website where I could report any strange experiences that I have had. Well, here I go. "-Dave Tompson
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Story by SJD ❤
No is messaging me back
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Story by Scriptorius
The advantages of being without work.
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Story by MaxMore
A true tale of mystery and strange happenings at an English school