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Fiona Snow

Snow is from PH Philippines • 35 y/o

Just something I decided to write
<1 min
Words: 130
Read Time: <1 min
The Best Is Yet To Be
Poem by Aquarius (86)
From ‘Words Of Hope & Encouragement’
<1 min
Words: 157
Read Time: <1 min
Never Give Up
Poem by Aquarius (86)
From 'Words Of Hope And Encouragement'
<1 min
Words: 137
Read Time: <1 min
But They Did
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
A seriously short story.
<1 min
Words: 82
Read Time: <1 min
No Regrets
Poem by Aquarius (86)
From ‘Words Of Hope & Encouragement’
<1 min
Words: 160
Read Time: <1 min
I Miss You
Story by TheForgotten (22)
Who's going to be alone now?
1 min
Words: 315
Read Time: 1 min
Silent Tears
Poem by Aimee (19)
So silent, yet so loud.
<1 min
Words: 119
Read Time: <1 min
Lonely Child, Only Child
Poem by HazbinAllover (21)
I wrote this from my experience as a foster kid
<1 min
Words: 100
Read Time: <1 min
Forgotten Friend
Story by Skyler Kapuschinsky (23)
When you are young, and you have an imaginary friend, what happens to it when you grow up and forget about it?
7 mins
Words: 1424
Read Time: 7 mins
Story by Lyn (16)
A boy's final goodbye...or is it?
5 mins
Words: 1195
Read Time: 5 mins
Poem by Aimee (19)
I have no description but apparently I have to put one in so there.
1 min
Words: 267
Read Time: 1 min
Poem by Lost (22)
Sitting in this tree thinking how messed up my life actually is.
<1 min
Words: 150
Read Time: <1 min
Goodbye (Part 3)
Story by Lyn (16)
It's more like a letter- kinda? *previously on goodbye* "The pain began to fall away. And the beeping grew softer. And I could no longer feel, hear, or see anything but darkness."
5 mins
Words: 1055
Read Time: 5 mins
Crying Alone in the Darkness
Story by kayleeistwix (20)
Love and abuse have one thing in common they are both very much so real. Never forget that!
10 mins
Words: 2168
Read Time: 10 mins
Two Friends
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
Happy? Maybe someday.
2 mins
Words: 431
Read Time: 2 mins
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
I let someone into my life. And they kinda sorta broke me a little bit.
<1 min
Words: 73
Read Time: <1 min
A Twisted Picture
Poem by JustSomeGirl (22)
What I'm doing right now.
<1 min
Words: 134
Read Time: <1 min
If I Had Known
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
I should've left you..
<1 min
Words: 124
Read Time: <1 min
The Stars in the Night
Musing by Beginner_Writer (20)
This story tells you how I went through the rough side of life along with the stars in the night.
1 min
Words: 265
Read Time: 1 min
Musing by Beginner_Writer (20)
A short message that i would like to convey to everyone in this community.
<1 min
Words: 116
Read Time: <1 min
The Song of My Beloved
Story by Aquarius (86)
A poem from the Indian tradition re-interpreted for our time.
2 mins
Words: 564
Read Time: 2 mins
Who Are You Now
Poem by Rosita Wijnberg (33)
what made you hate yourself
<1 min
Words: 66
Read Time: <1 min
When I Cut Myself
Poem by JustNicoleValiukas (26)
I hope nobody else ever breaks like this. Stay strong. And happy.
<1 min
Words: 184
Read Time: <1 min
My Anger Volcano
Poem by SmileyKitty (42)
Poem about getting mad for no reason.
<1 min
Words: 127
Read Time: <1 min
Hospital Windows
And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.
2 mins
Words: 455
Read Time: 2 mins
My personal experience with depression. Touches on what I've gone through and how lucky I am to be where I am today.
2 mins
Words: 435
Read Time: 2 mins
Musing by Thomas Ray (21)
The weight of silence, and the fear of giving away too much.
1 min
Words: 254
Read Time: 1 min
Wish You Were Here
Story by NorthernPhoenix (23)
Thinking about someone
<1 min
Words: 175
Read Time: <1 min
Musing by NorthernPhoenix (23)
Something I wrote then posted while I was probably too tired to actually be coherent
1 min
Words: 289
Read Time: 1 min
Story by LeCat127 (22)
We all wish we could belong, but what does it mean to belong? How can we belong when no one understands what we are? How can we be enough for the world around us?
6 mins
Words: 1324
Read Time: 6 mins
Story by LeCat127 (22)
A girl struggling to find balance between the meaningfulness and meaninglessness of life
6 mins
Words: 1316
Read Time: 6 mins
Love, Sorrow
Story by LeCat127 (22)
Words lose their meaning when the person who wrote them leaves.
3 mins
Words: 629
Read Time: 3 mins
Missing the Thought of You
Musing by LeCat127 (22)
Thoughts and feelings about someone I realized I don't need
1 min
Words: 268
Read Time: 1 min
The Overflowing Cup
Poem by Aquarius (86)
Words Of Hope And Encouragement
1 min
Words: 212
Read Time: 1 min
Up Too Late
Musing by LeCat127 (22)
Going to sleep is the worst.
1 min
Words: 229
Read Time: 1 min
Oops, Wrong E-mail Address
Story by Galaxian (30)
He opened his laptop and sent his wife an e-mail. However....
1 min
Words: 227
Read Time: 1 min
Misery Loves Company
Story by Cerys Worsey (29)
What does it feel like to be isolated? My story explores this theme.
4 mins
Words: 865
Read Time: 4 mins
Story by 🌸Fate (28)
I can't sleep with you around.....
7 mins
Words: 1514
Read Time: 7 mins
True Nature
Poem by Sherzahd (53)
What are good and evil really? Do we even have a choice? Or is it in our nature just to be...
<1 min
Words: 175
Read Time: <1 min
Someone New
Poem by FlamingGrill (30)
Finding someone who you can connect with.
1 min
Words: 258
Read Time: 1 min
Anyone Can Make a Difference
Story by yichxng (22)
Anyone in your life can make a difference, and you can make a difference to anyone. Start making that difference today!!
4 mins
Words: 947
Read Time: 4 mins
Does Saying Goodbye Have to Mean Forgetting?
Story by Kimberly Owen (41)
A man meets a woman for the first time.
16 mins
Words: 3258
Read Time: 16 mins
The Silence of Demons
Story by WASP (40)
This autobiographical work explores the themes of existence, mental illness, meaninglessness, and the nature of the 'self'.
6 mins
Words: 1259
Read Time: 6 mins
Let Him Have It 18+
Story by rogerjeff (84)
A lonely man has an affair with his landlady. She is a hot and cold bully and wants him to leave her a house in his will. She arranges a romantic tryst in the country but it's not what it seems
12 mins
Words: 2493
Read Time: 12 mins
Nuisance Calls
Story by TimTaylor (64)
A mother worries about why her son hasn't called.
6 mins
Words: 1208
Read Time: 6 mins
Daddy I Miss You
Poem by mezcladonina12 (21)
It will be almost a year since I lost my father and it still hurts. I still think about him everyday and it hurts to know he's not here with me because my father was my everything & I miss him dearly.
<1 min
Words: 85
Read Time: <1 min
Under the Covers
Story by Optimism101 (19)
What happens under the bedsheets?
<1 min
Words: 121
Read Time: <1 min
Musing by Amanda (32)
Short story about the struggles of life, and what it feels like to live with depression.
2 mins
Words: 494
Read Time: 2 mins
Sick Room
Story by magnamata (39)
A couple try to get some sleep, and eventually succeed.
1 min
Words: 223
Read Time: 1 min
Story by Lussac (62)
A tale of severe mental suffering and a very difficult decision. It is a fictional piece, although inspired by a true but tragic story.
4 mins
Words: 860
Read Time: 4 mins
Heroic Measures 18+
Story by Donald R. Fletcher (105)
A marriage partner confronts her fatal choice.
3 mins
Words: 664
Read Time: 3 mins
"Just Get Out of Bed?" - Depression and Mindfulness
Story by npadlo (43)
Illustration of my own personal battle with depression and substance abuse. Explains why I couldn't get out of bed, how I finally got help, and found some relief and recovery in my breath.
3 mins
Words: 784
Read Time: 3 mins
This Lonely Road
Story by NobodyImportant (24)
Metaphorical story about struggling through life, and new beginnings.
8 mins
Words: 1628
Read Time: 8 mins
Story by Adalyne5 (25)
A boy is an outsider trying to find out how to get out of his situation. He is stuck between one world and another with only himself to fall upon.
4 mins
Words: 919
Read Time: 4 mins
Hello Corona...
Musing by Milind (51)
In the present difficult times of pandemic of Coronavirus, I attempted to ponder upon why such a harsh situation may have befallen on all of us and if there is a silver lining to this problem.
3 mins
Words: 715
Read Time: 3 mins
Story by Aaron Sebastians (21)
A roommate experiences something very strange.
<1 min
Words: 94
Read Time: <1 min
Story by ChrisPlato (67)
A fairy story with real fairy
<1 min
Words: 90
Read Time: <1 min
Into the Mist
Story by Abbymo22 (23)
There is fear and fascination in the unknown.
1 min
Words: 216
Read Time: 1 min
First Light
Story by NorthernPhoenix (23)
A loneliness as deep as breathing
11 mins
Words: 2273
Read Time: 11 mins
Story by Smae (41)
Feelings, emotions and a lesson to be learnt 💔
1 min
Words: 265
Read Time: 1 min
The Beauty of Dance
Story by ClaireStainton (33)
With my story I try to capture the rare but hugely significant positive moments during the pandemic. I love capturing the beautiful little moments in even the hardest of times
1 min
Words: 368
Read Time: 1 min
(Not) Worth It
Poem by Despicable_Moi (19)
I'm (not) worth it. I have (no) value. Just like you.
<1 min
Words: 62
Read Time: <1 min
Story by LeCat127 (22)
The imaginary place where I go when I need to be alone
5 mins
Words: 1181
Read Time: 5 mins
There Is No Rest in These Relics
Poem by blissbelly (33)
A short poem for a friend I miss dearly. We were torn apart by distance, bad timing, my saying hurtful things, and them lying and using me. Bad times all around.
<1 min
Words: 85
Read Time: <1 min