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Inspirational Short Stories

Random Inspirational Short Stories

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The Candle
Musing by Aquarius
‘There is not enough darkness in the whole of our world to put out the light of one candle.’ Robert Alden
Dreaming of Paradise
Perhaps I am due never to be satisfied
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Deceptions : Creating Hell On Earth
Story by Aquarius
From ‘Our World In Transition’
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Ask The Beasts And They Shall Teach You
Story by Aquarius
From ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
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Musing by Aquarius
I Asked The Universal Christ – Part One

Most Favorited Inspirational Short Stories

A Gift Of Love
Story by Author Unknown
With her newborn child nestled in her arms, she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face and gasped....
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The Most Beautiful Flower
Story by Author Unknown
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(Not) Worth It
I'm (not) worth it. I have (no) value. Just like you.
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The Perfect Role-Model
Story by Meggraces
Cherish the the time you have with your loved ones, death is on it's own clock
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Are you looking for a Cup or a Coffee?
Story by Galaxian
Inspiring Short Story that asks you the question, are you looking for a cup or a coffee?

Top Inspirational Short Stories

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(Not) Worth It
I'm (not) worth it. I have (no) value. Just like you.
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Story by Durandal
This is a story about a young man named Tom. Tom has a gift, every time he hugs some he heals there a sickness or disease, even cancer, but every time he does, he loses one year of his life.
Girls Come Home
Story by Suma
A story about three sisters, three women who have grown apart, but now making a conscious effort to come close because the forces that did it for them are no longer there.
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Musing by
Stand up and walk, move forward
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Never Feel Afraid
Story by Flower
My best friend is struggling with herself, so I wrote this for her in a hope that it’d make her smile.

Most Viewed Inspirational Short Stories

A Gift Of Love
Story by Author Unknown
With her newborn child nestled in her arms, she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face and gasped....
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The Most Beautiful Flower
Story by Author Unknown
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The Cleaning Lady
Story by Author Unknown
Humility Conquers Pride
A Carthaginian, enslaved to Rome in the Punic Wars who became a champion gladiator, agrees with a Roman official to help free other slaves as a penance for his former prideful state.
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Are you looking for a Cup or a Coffee?
Story by Galaxian
Inspiring Short Story that asks you the question, are you looking for a cup or a coffee?

Latest Inspirational Short Stories

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Jack and The Box
Story by Matt Decker
A cautionary tale about thinking - and living - inside the metaphorical box.
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A Helping Hand
Story by Rymondo
When depression hits Peter like a brick wall a unlikely friend is there to pick him up.
Story by Kat
Trying to understand who you are in this strange, growing world is a hard task. What is my sexuality? Why am I who I am?
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The Box
Story by storygoddess500
After coming into some money, a women helps a couple of families out to spread a little Christmas magic.
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Melissa'a Wish
Santa is moved by one girl's wish to help another.
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Aurora's Eyes
She was living in a galaxy full of colors...
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Poem by Matt Decker
A lesson in potential from the bumblebee.
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I Am Back
Story by Randomologies
A writer who had long left his passion found a new light and how? read on to find what happens next.
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How Do I Know Who I Really Am if Who if I Am Based on Who I Am With
Musing by NatalieT88
A process and adventure of the dysfunctional mind. A revelation and commitment to all - that we should be who we are when we aren't.
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The Piano
The bond between a grandmother and her adult grandson.
White Noise - Part 2
Story by Futurefire79
A messy homicide at City Bank leads Detectives Ray Kepler and Jules Weissner on a light-speed race against time to uncover the truth - with only a scared, drug-addicted girl as the final solution...
White Noise - Part 1
Story by Futurefire79
A messy homicide at City Bank leads Detectives Ray Kepler and Jules Weissner on a light-speed race against time to uncover the truth - with only a scared, drug-addicted girl as the final solution...
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The Hotel Manager
Story by StephenG
In March 1976, Mark Lewis makes his first visit to Paris. A chance encounter with a stranger in his compartment leads to an incident which will change his life.
The Picture
Story by Prajakta
expectations from children, stress and efforts of the child, the path and goal
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I Am Not Worthless
Poem by Karly-North
This is just all of my thoughts about a person at my school put into writing. Enjoy
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I know that some people are going through some really hard times, myself included and I just want people to know that I care and if anyone wants to talk to me about anything, they can talk to me
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The Wiener
Story by HH
How a nickname can affect you...
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True Heart and a Little Hope
Story by Harshal khatri
Hope you too feel the pleasure of giving.
Pack Together, Pack Forever! (Chapter 1)
Story by Lovelykitten01
Updated version of PTPF!
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First Drop of Rain
A poem on how rain can inspire us.
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Revisiting Humanity
Story by Khaled Saeed
Pained by the world around him, he shuns society, only to understand what humanity was all about.
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Two Blinks
Story by Khaled Saeed
There are no second chances in life, and two blinks is all I got. (This story would probably be more meaningful, if you read it a second time.)
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Story by yichxng
I suppose I would try another genre of writing.. Was it good?
My Single Eye
Poem by Kirra Cameron
This poem is about the rush of emotion of fighting with a loved one and getting through a hard time together.
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Intimate Encounters
Story by Khaled Saeed
A story about an intimate encounter between the body and its soul.
Little Miss Caster
She could never see clearly.
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The Blue Bus
Story by Hobo
As the unseen desert flew past us I dreamed of mysterious destinations that awaited in the biblical barrenness of the Sinai.
Story by SubashAnjuru
A story about every hero who is battling his own demons.
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HimMayan, the Last Yeti……… and Dolma
Story by Sunil Pant
A story about how the entire Yeti populations were wiped out except one. A love story about the last surviving Yeti Girl and a Dolma who end up becoming a Buddhist Nun.
Sleeping in the Day
Story by Louis123
This story explores the contrast between what initially appears sane or regular, to what the interior might be hiding. We might be able to order what is around us, but this could be hiding reality.
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Timeless Times
Story by Khaled Saeed
We all go through good times and bad times. But what if you actually met the phenomenon called 'the Times'?
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Save Your Life
Musing by inu_unique
To open your mind about how social life affects your relationship.
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Story by inu_unique
Based on true story about love life
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Identities in Abyss
Story by Khaled Saeed
A man searches for the identity of a writer who left no traces behind; a spiritual journey of sorts.
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Left Right
Story by PeeJayx
I walked on the right. I always had done. I don’t know when I started, nor where this long walk led to, but I saw no reason to change. Until I looked left.
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Whispers to the Wind
Story by Khaled Saeed
Certain lifetimes span eternities. This is the tale of an Oasis, who has seen it all. But there is a dark secret; the wind is his friend.
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Silent Sentiments
Story by Khaled Saeed
In a world increasingly alienated from sentiments, this story touches upon the feelings that we fail to sense around us.
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Cost of Freedom
Story by Khaled Saeed
Freedom is something like breathing; we take it for granted. This is the story about view from the other side.
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The Sapling and the Tree
Story by Khaled Saeed
The story about transitions in life. A tree befriends a sapling, which grows up in his shadows to becomes a tree itself.
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Little Girl
Poem by Jozay
A poem I wrote for my little sister
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14. Asian Stereotype, Rickie Rests In Peace And I’m Apple Pie
While growing up Asian girl of mixed parentage decides she's as American as apple pie.
It Gets Better
Musing by JR
My personal beliefs when people say "it gets better".
Chaapter 3. Growing Up Poor Girl
Mixed Asian girl grows up in Silicon Valley California before Silicon with Chinese father who doesn't provide and Filipino mother who works as hotel maid.
Chapter 2. Rear View Mirror’s Reflection
Wanton old woman looks back on her life honestly to understand who she was, not who she thought she was
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Before the Dawn
A subjective view on the hyperbole of reaching dreams and realizing the cruciality of the words "When we're pinned down, that's when we stand up."
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Revival - Part 2
Story by Chris-r82
With the appointing of an unknown manager, Kelvindale, once giants of Scottish football, are forced to start life in the Third Division. With the eyes of the nations media on them, can they succeed?
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Story by Chris-r82
What would happen if your team were plunged into financial crisis and their existence threatened? Kelvindale, a successful Scottish football team are faced with liquidation, who will save them?
The Story of Hope Part 1
Story by brokenshards22
A college girl wrestles with mental illness and addiction.