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aspen-faye is from US United States • 19 y/o • Female

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future.-Proverbs 31:25

The Life Of A Teen-Aged Mess #3
Story by WannabeArora (33)
WHAT!?!?! How is this happening to me? Can someone tell me what exactly is happening to me?
7 mins
Words: 1481
Read Time: 7 mins
The Life Of A Teen-Aged Mess #2
Story by WannabeArora (33)
(if you have not read the 1 one I suggest doing so) My life taking a turn for the better? Sure. My life is really taking a turn for WEIRDER! What am I? Who am I? More importantly where did I leave my phone!?!
9 mins
Words: 1844
Read Time: 9 mins
Lonely Souls
Story by Author21 (22)
Writing about missing someone
1 min
Words: 250
Read Time: 1 min
Story by BaBEbOO (28)
This is story about two best friends whom secretly loved each other and wanted so much more than just friendship.....
5 mins
Words: 1112
Read Time: 5 mins
His First Kiss; Her First Love (Chpt. 9)
Story by Kat (25)
Mindy gets ready for school, when a shocking event occurres.
2 mins
Words: 415
Read Time: 2 mins
Her First Kiss; His First Love (Chpt. 7)
Story by Kat (25)
Mindy and Tom go on their date. Eventful and exciting.
5 mins
Words: 1159
Read Time: 5 mins
A Twisted Picture
Poem by JustSomeGirl (22)
What I'm doing right now.
<1 min
Words: 134
Read Time: <1 min
A Man's Purpose
Story by Marsh76 (30)
An old man meets a new friend at the end of his long life.
22 mins
Words: 4416
Read Time: 22 mins
Chances 2 18+
Story by 🌸Fate (28)
We have so many chances in life but we aren't willing to take them because of our fear. -Naomi
6 mins
Words: 1226
Read Time: 6 mins
Chances 1 18+
Story by 🌸Fate (28)
We don't get judged by what we did on earth. We get judged on how we affected others' souls -Naomi
4 mins
Words: 904
Read Time: 4 mins
Love Conquers All, or Maybe It Doesn't
Story by Jupiter_R (28)
She has a terrible love life, an amazingly useless education, and a dark secret not even her best friend knows. (Drawing inspiration from the movie "The Escort")
6 mins
Words: 1334
Read Time: 6 mins
I'll Help You
Poem by Life_is_Hard (21)
A poem that is kind of sad... Free writing
<1 min
Words: 89
Read Time: <1 min
Today I Smiled Again :)
Story by KevinT (28)
Thanks to you I smile again :)!
1 min
Words: 237
Read Time: 1 min
More Than That
Story by VanDerKhan (30)
how a girl refuses a boy because of one small innocent mistake and costs him his life.....a story of a boy who is tired of life and its struggles...
3 mins
Words: 778
Read Time: 3 mins
Marry Me Brother...
Story by VanDerKhan (30)
a short story about an incestuous relationship between a brother and sister....
6 mins
Words: 1355
Read Time: 6 mins
How I Met Your Mother
Story by yichxng (22)
Nothing cheerful like the original "How I Met Your Mother". Enjoy!
8 mins
Words: 1676
Read Time: 8 mins
An Angel's Note
Story by Hokay21 (34)
A girl commits suicide and leaves people notes about how they had something to do with it.
12 mins
Words: 2522
Read Time: 12 mins
I Am There
Do you need me? I am there. You cannot see me, yet, I am the light you see by. You cannot hear Me... (continued)
1 min
Words: 378
Read Time: 1 min
Angels Can Fly
Story by Bree Claire (23)
All she sees is him, but only in her head because he's gone and all she's got left is her imagination.
5 mins
Words: 1030
Read Time: 5 mins
Mommy and her Son
Story by MzDiggy (28)
<1 min
Words: 66
Read Time: <1 min
The Swallower of Souls
Story by Chris Thompson (43)
In a nursing home, there is a cat who always knows when a guest is about pass on from this world.
23 mins
Words: 4678
Read Time: 23 mins
Find Our Way to Heaven
Story by TheConfusedAmongUs (22)
Two people who can't express their love face the lifelong consequences.
11 mins
Words: 2274
Read Time: 11 mins
Love Sucks?
Story by Raven Knight (27)
You should never regret or hate love.
1 min
Words: 291
Read Time: 1 min
Spinning Round and Round
Story by RebelSoul (29)
Won't somebody make me feel alive and shatter me~ Lindsey Stirling
4 mins
Words: 865
Read Time: 4 mins
The Blanket Story
Story by writingartist420 (54)
It is about giving an inanimate object a voice, and a personality. The blanket story will make you sad and laugh. It is amusing and heartwarming.
4 mins
Words: 989
Read Time: 4 mins
You Think YOU'RE Having A Bad Day?
Story by Galaxian (30)
If you think you're having a bad day, wait until you read this funny short story.
3 mins
Words: 728
Read Time: 3 mins
Thunder Always Follows Lighting
Story by Aspen-Faye (19)
The worst thunderstorm in memory hits the town of Warhawk....
1 min
Words: 349
Read Time: 1 min
Story by Auron (19)
All I saw was my swimsuit melt with the elegant colors of the sea as I drowned.
<1 min
Words: 100
Read Time: <1 min
Story by Dxvn5 (24)
She had always loved flowers, each of them had a different meaning... She had always said "flowers can speak the words we fail to say", just this time they carry the hardest meaning...
2 mins
Words: 469
Read Time: 2 mins
The She Devil
Poem by RebelSoul (29)
A small poetic break from my stories.
<1 min
Words: 155
Read Time: <1 min
Merp Is the Word
Story by Meggraces (26)
Looking for a way to stay positive? Well here's the secret formula, and it's easier than you think...
3 mins
Words: 691
Read Time: 3 mins
Chicken and Sweetcorn
Story by Hobo (48)
Lucy had just plastered a bright yellow ticket on the vehicle when what seemed to be the owner dressed in a black suit confronted her. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’
11 mins
Words: 2242
Read Time: 11 mins
She'll Always Miss Her.
Story by Dxvn5 (24)
Time had passed since she last saw her. She was trying to move on but life without her just didn't seem right...
1 min
Words: 277
Read Time: 1 min
Story by Aspen-Faye (19)
This is part one of maybe 2 parts
1 min
Words: 214
Read Time: 1 min
Chapter 3 and 4 of Holding Onto Hope
Story by Aspen-Faye (19)
The main character finds a cafe to rest in.
1 min
Words: 270
Read Time: 1 min
Under an Umbrella
Story by 🌸Fate (28)
The rain is falling and all I can see is.....
2 mins
Words: 551
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by Aspen-Faye (19)
This is a new and improved version of Her
1 min
Words: 337
Read Time: 1 min
Don't Leave Me
Story by Aspen-Faye (19)
A wife finds her dead husband in a car attack. But will he survive
1 min
Words: 291
Read Time: 1 min
A New Day
Story by BookishForever23 (22)
This story is about a girl and her new hopes for the day!
1 min
Words: 345
Read Time: 1 min
Story by BookishForever23 (22)
This is a story about two young people and their story...
<1 min
Words: 150
Read Time: <1 min
If All Else Fails
Story by Aspen-Faye (19)
London wants to sped up the process of love.
1 min
Words: 371
Read Time: 1 min
When I Do Not Lie Awake
Poem by Ashisa Mochizuki (27)
The vastness of our dreams entail our wide vision about reality.
<1 min
Words: 81
Read Time: <1 min
Our Secrect Spot
Story by Aspen-Faye (19)
Carly had never found before until she meet Cody who changed her life forever.
8 mins
Words: 1695
Read Time: 8 mins
Story by Aspen-Faye (19)
this is a short story that I wrote in my free time -Aspen-Faye
2 mins
Words: 450
Read Time: 2 mins
The Life Of A Teen-Aged Mess #1
Story by WannabeArora (33)
My life is pretty simple. I go to Good will middle. I'm in eighth grade. I have a best friend, and had a boyfriend. So yeah my life is perfect, right? WRONG!!!!! My name is Nicole Blake I'm 14 years old and my life is a MESS!!!
9 mins
Words: 1947
Read Time: 9 mins
Story by Aspen-Faye (19)
Just a short story I wrote in my free time! Enjoy!!!
1 min
Words: 337
Read Time: 1 min
chapter 1 and 2 of holding onto hope
Story by Aspen-Faye (19)
um... this is the first two chapters of a book I'm writing
1 min
Words: 322
Read Time: 1 min
Why Me?
Story by Aspen-Faye (19)
This story is a short story of a tragic breakup.
2 mins
Words: 416
Read Time: 2 mins
The Wrong Brother 18+
Story by LaceEmHonMi (35)
Elizabeth has been away from her abusive ex for years when her brother brings home a guest house. Cal Green is the younger brother of the man that Elizabeth had to escape, the man she really loved.
34 mins
Words: 6861
Read Time: 34 mins
Glitter and Gold [Part One]
Story by mayanward (24)
A girl runs away from her abusive relationship and ends up finding someone much better
1 min
Words: 232
Read Time: 1 min