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Lollipop_56's Profile


Lollipop_56 is from US United States • 18 y/o

i'm in my bathtub w/ ice cream & world-building fantastical plot lines i'll never use

We Are Born, We Live, We Die
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
We're born, we live, and we die; nothing truly matters.
<1 min
Words: 175
Read Time: <1 min
the butterfly effect
Story by luie™ (20)
like i've said, i am a believer of the butterfly effect.
2 mins
Words: 439
Read Time: 2 mins
Two Minds Break Alike
Poem by coffeesoakedshoes (18)
Past cruelty: does it catch up with you? Yes. You can bet to hell it does.
1 min
Words: 378
Read Time: 1 min
Poem by -- The Huntress -- (18)
A misunderstood one, they refused to say, until she was forced to bow and take the blame. Only then did they realize she was wrongly castaway...
<1 min
Words: 120
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Oxygen (18)
I've only got one enemy.
<1 min
Words: 82
Read Time: <1 min
Fake Smiles
Story by SoulsToWrite (21)
Fake smiles hide the fact that underneath we all wish we were happy. We all wear them.
3 mins
Words: 611
Read Time: 3 mins
Poem by AaronTheRocker (21)
Stay forever with me dream girl.
1 min
Words: 240
Read Time: 1 min
Promise Me
Poem by Oxygen (18)
Promise me you’ll stay by my side.
<1 min
Words: 107
Read Time: <1 min
He Walks Alone in the Silent Dark
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
Sometimes it can feel as though the world is ending because of the pain you feel inside.
1 min
Words: 202
Read Time: 1 min
The girl in the mirror(and the inner turmoil of the girl looking back)
Musing by pccgttx (20)
The only one to blame is the girl in the mirror
2 mins
Words: 489
Read Time: 2 mins
The Swim
Story by stombell (56)
A woman fights for survival in a desperate struggle that will change her life forever.
2 mins
Words: 562
Read Time: 2 mins
Petals and Pain
Poem by -- The Huntress -- (18)
Flowers of blood, in my body, they grow. Petals and pain, was it all worth it, though? 
<1 min
Words: 95
Read Time: <1 min
You Are My Friend
Poem by Tammy (21)
You are my friend. I like you more than anything else.
<1 min
Words: 130
Read Time: <1 min
Life of a Soldier #2: Perless Struggle for Survival
Story by -- The Huntress -- (18)
What happens when the soldier was thrown into a famine that was known to starve thousands upon millions?
2 mins
Words: 434
Read Time: 2 mins
A Serpent's Tongue
Story by thesadandlonely (18)
A dark short story.
9 mins
Words: 1881
Read Time: 9 mins
I'm Fine
Story by lils (19)
A short story about suffering on your own.
<1 min
Words: 164
Read Time: <1 min
Story by TheForgotten (22)
There's peace sometimes in just watching snow fall...
<1 min
Words: 141
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Oxygen (18)
I feel so empty
<1 min
Words: 118
Read Time: <1 min
The Player and the Game
Poem by Oxygen (18)
all is fair in the game of life
<1 min
Words: 94
Read Time: <1 min
The Burning Bridge
Poem by -- The Huntress -- (18)
A burning bridge, two worlds apart, a broken crown, an irreversible start......
<1 min
Words: 117
Read Time: <1 min
Am I Crazy?
Story by cricket (18)
This is my true thoughts and feelings.
<1 min
Words: 179
Read Time: <1 min
You Cried
Poem by tayloremilyadaros (18)
Once there was a day You came into this world
<1 min
Words: 136
Read Time: <1 min
Love Is Like a Drug
Poem by Tammy (21)
Love is all about luck.
<1 min
Words: 120
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Selena Joan (30)
A poem on bipolar disorder
<1 min
Words: 93
Read Time: <1 min
The Most Beautiful Flower
The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read Beneath the long,straggly branches of an old willo... (continued)
2 mins
Words: 406
Read Time: 2 mins
A Heart Apart
Poem by tayloremilyadaros (18)
in my heart, I believe, we will never be apart
<1 min
Words: 98
Read Time: <1 min
Musing by XAXAXAXAXA (20)
Don’t be intimidated by someone who is an opposite to you, they are more likely more scared of you.
<1 min
Words: 161
Read Time: <1 min
Three Years Later
Story by tayloremilyadaros (18)
three years later  You still make me cry
<1 min
Words: 90
Read Time: <1 min
Musing by Thomas Ray (21)
I don't know what to put here
<1 min
Words: 186
Read Time: <1 min
Hurt Her
Story by Optimism101 (19)
Thoughts of a reflection
1 min
Words: 278
Read Time: 1 min
The Most Wonderful Thing
What Does She See In Me?
2 mins
Words: 415
Read Time: 2 mins
This Is Me
Poem by HazbinAllover (21)
This poem is what will make you feel. I used the first one I made as a guide.
<1 min
Words: 99
Read Time: <1 min
The Feeling I Get
Story by Anonymus Reviewer (21)
A story that describes how a girl feels as she plays the guitar
1 min
Words: 206
Read Time: 1 min
Death's Library
Story by Charlemagne (40)
What if your entire life was written as a book and stored with the rest of Death's collection?
1 min
Words: 280
Read Time: 1 min
Treasured Memories
Story by rainfall_ (20)
This is a story about the death of my grandfather.
9 mins
Words: 1827
Read Time: 9 mins
the cloud walker (prologue)
She is the Cloud Walker, a mystical creature who makes dreams. This is her story.
<1 min
Words: 160
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Andraaknas (28)
So warm, yet so cold
1 min
Words: 339
Read Time: 1 min
Poem by Andraaknas (28)
Warming cold, dead hands is hard, especially when they're yours...
1 min
Words: 248
Read Time: 1 min
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
A poem from the perspective of someone being used...
<1 min
Words: 183
Read Time: <1 min
The Beat of Your Heart
Poem by Rora (20)
this is a pome is about when you play a musical instrument you feel free and your burdens are lifted. You can express your self.
<1 min
Words: 99
Read Time: <1 min
Never Give Up
Poem by Aquarius (86)
From 'Words Of Hope And Encouragement'
<1 min
Words: 106
Read Time: <1 min
Written in the Stars
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
Slowly coming together until we collide..
<1 min
Words: 73
Read Time: <1 min
Story by Hobo (48)
She lay on her bed and looked up at the poster of the rainbow on the pale blue ceiling. “I wonder what it is that attracts two people in the first place?”
5 mins
Words: 1045
Read Time: 5 mins
Poem by Andraaknas (28)
I wanted to share my feelings real quick, so I have this.
<1 min
Words: 174
Read Time: <1 min
I Can't Seem to Find the Words
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
Being with you hurts more than anything I've done, yet I never want to stop; never want to leave.
1 min
Words: 295
Read Time: 1 min
this is a story
A song I wrote. Please tell me how bad it is.
1 min
Words: 321
Read Time: 1 min
With Me
Story by Optimism101 (19)
Heyo, I wrote this cus I was bored at school, but I kinda like it.
<1 min
Words: 68
Read Time: <1 min
In My Head
Story by Optimism101 (19)
You're in my head, and I can't help it.
<1 min
Words: 96
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by AngNaive97 (27)
Memories never fade away ..
<1 min
Words: 52
Read Time: <1 min
Story by lime (19)
A story of the darkness in one's mind compared to the beauty on the outside.
6 mins
Words: 1279
Read Time: 6 mins
Wings 18+
Poem by kkhause (24)
A suicide note of hopelessness and pain...
<1 min
Words: 133
Read Time: <1 min
Her Name Was June
Story by BrookeWood (34)
sad but then inspiring.
3 mins
Words: 774
Read Time: 3 mins
To Mother
Poem by Allanah (25)
A short POEM for my mother
<1 min
Words: 117
Read Time: <1 min
The Silent Song
Poem by Allanah (25)
A poem about pain and the suicidal children that society ignores until it's too late.
<1 min
Words: 176
Read Time: <1 min
Have Mercy
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
A poem written in the perspective of someone who appears to be stuck in a relationship they know is wrong, but cannot leave...
1 min
Words: 267
Read Time: 1 min
Economic Models Explained With Cows
Story by Galaxian (30)
An explanation of 24 economic models with cows.
6 mins
Words: 1205
Read Time: 6 mins
It's Going to Be Okay
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
A short poem for people who are struggling to get out of the storm...
<1 min
Words: 154
Read Time: <1 min
... (continued)
<1 min
Read Time: <1 min
The White Lily of the Woodland
A young girl who lived in a White House in the Woodland takes her own life after a life of loneliness and hangs herself beside a lily and is finally free.
2 mins
Words: 420
Read Time: 2 mins
The Perfect Goodbye
Musing by Feminist123 (18)
It's not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follow.
<1 min
Words: 0
Read Time: <1 min
Story by BaBEbOO (28)
love is sorry... sorry is love...
7 mins
Words: 1470
Read Time: 7 mins
Until We Meet Again
Poem by Amber Jones (19)
Reach beyond your grief and place those special to you in your heart, lock it, and hold it tight. Treasure those memories and never let go.
<1 min
Words: 68
Read Time: <1 min
You Should've Been Here
Poem by Amber Jones (19)
Suicide isn't the answer. It doesn't end the pain it just passes it onto someone else
<1 min
Words: 120
Read Time: <1 min
I'm Your Shadow
Story by Shadow (17)
Your shadow will never die even in the deepest darkness...
<1 min
Words: 80
Read Time: <1 min
Musing by Beginner_Writer (20)
A short message that i would like to convey to everyone in this community.
<1 min
Words: 116
Read Time: <1 min
The Hanging Tree
Are you, are you, coming to the tree?
1 min
Words: 300
Read Time: 1 min
... (continued)
<1 min
Read Time: <1 min
I Said No
Poem by Tiffany (23)
Just need to vent in the only way I can.
1 min
Words: 238
Read Time: 1 min
I Remember
Poem by Brokensoul (17)
A poem about a person who is the only one who remembers the sun in an endless rain
<1 min
Words: 190
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by ellie (24)
It's more of a poem than a story, also was written many years ago.
<1 min
Words: 179
Read Time: <1 min
Under the Covers
Story by Optimism101 (19)
What happens under the bedsheets?
<1 min
Words: 121
Read Time: <1 min
"Don't End Up Like Mommy Did."
Story by untiltheend (30)
Drugs and alcohol abuse ruins families, get it together kids. It's not finished but it's a start:)
3 mins
Words: 768
Read Time: 3 mins
I laughed 'til I cried cried, cried with no one to hold me and calm me My anger burned a hole in my ... (continued)
<1 min
Words: 159
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Ghost (23)
Not easy to deal with losing someone. Doesn't help when you're stuck questioning if its your fault.
1 min
Words: 208
Read Time: 1 min
I Saw and Said Nothing
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
I saw her pain, her scars, and said nothing, too frozen by the force of my own pain to offer what relief I could to her's.
1 min
Words: 338
Read Time: 1 min
Poem by Oxygen (18)
One day you will be on your knees, gasping for air, or should I say, me. 
<1 min
Words: 103
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by -- The Huntress -- (18)
Demons... are they good or bad?
<1 min
Words: 152
Read Time: <1 min
Missing Pt1
Story by Krypton (18)
Nick's wife suddenly goes missing one night, and he is blamed for the murder, but was she really murdered?
2 mins
Words: 587
Read Time: 2 mins
Men Don't Listen
Story by Galaxian (30)
Proof men don't listen when this man uses the ladies room.
1 min
Words: 231
Read Time: 1 min
Beckett Pt. 1
Story by LOVESPIKE3000 (20)
This is about an unpopular girl and a popular girl who fall in love. But they have to keep it a secret...
4 mins
Words: 970
Read Time: 4 mins
Come Back, I Still Need You
Story by academbrella (23)
A story of life and love, between a grandmother and a girl.
2 mins
Words: 539
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by academbrella (23)
Sometimes, you are not who you think you are.
10 mins
Words: 2134
Read Time: 10 mins
Why Can't I Be Me?
Story by Addie (18)
A young dancer struggles with her mother pressuring her to be the best, just like she was.
8 mins
Words: 1684
Read Time: 8 mins
The Forgotten Door
Poem by Dari Poulson (21)
We all have or will see this door. So why do we ignore it?
<1 min
Words: 85
Read Time: <1 min
I'll Be There Tonight
Poem by Callie_Writes (21)
Trigger warnig: Suicide, Overdose, Wrist slitting, Hanging
1 min
Words: 249
Read Time: 1 min
I'll Come for You
Story by TheForgotten (22)
A girl is devastated when she loses her fiancé one day...
1 min
Words: 395
Read Time: 1 min
It Is Only Heart Break Child
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
It will pass...
<1 min
Words: 119
Read Time: <1 min
Musing by TheForgotten (22)
It's a strange thing isn't it...
<1 min
Words: 131
Read Time: <1 min
the unknown love
Story by deadgirl2004 (23)
i dont know what im doing
2 mins
Words: 410
Read Time: 2 mins
Same Story
Story by TheForgotten (22)
A poem on the fluidity of young relationships...
<1 min
Words: 93
Read Time: <1 min
Don't Forget
Story by Dari Poulson (21)
After WW2 a young Jewish boy has to deal with the pain of what he had seen. He tries to forget, but he learns the remembering is better.
2 mins
Words: 461
Read Time: 2 mins
Truth of Dreaming
Story by Dari Poulson (21)
Did you ever have that one friend who never was really there?
<1 min
Words: 92
Read Time: <1 min
Hospital Windows
And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.
2 mins
Words: 455
Read Time: 2 mins
Everyone Thought She Was Happy Chapter 1
Story by Callie_Writes (21)
This story is about a girl to absorbed in herself she put her familys life on the line. Read to see what happens.
3 mins
Words: 624
Read Time: 3 mins