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Random Non-fiction

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The Shortest Dead End
Story by Kat
An alien in a courporation for his planet is trying to restore the happiness of a human child - when suddenly he succeeds!
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The History of Soccer.
Musing by Kat Dickens
The history behind the most popular sport in the world! (Don't believe me? Look it up, but make sure you search for the whole world not just one country.)
No Talking After 10 (prologue)
Story by vampirechick249
Well basically I was doing a role play with my boyfriend and I wanted to make a book out of it and this is just a little background information known as a prologue.
Story by Tristan
Ever had to make a tough decision?
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Dear Crush, You Have Distrupt My Cue
Story by HudaFatima
It’s hard to not write about ‘him’.

Most Favorited Non-fiction

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Dear Younger Me
Story by Sad🥺
A letter to my younger self
Story by Tammy
It's not about betrayal. It is only about money!!!
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Best and Friends
Story by Tammy
How to be best with best friends.
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Story by SamZ
Writing prompt #1.
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Never Again
Story by SamZ
Zac idea of "fun" gets him serious consequences!

Top Non-fiction

Lockdown 1
Story by Justice_Dolly
This is about how a serious lock down got scary real quick.
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Journey of Perfection in Love.
Story by Imitation.o
It tells about the perfection in love. As no one is perfect in it.
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New Best Friend
Story by Augusta
To my all new best friends.
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Dear Younger Me
Story by Sad🥺
A letter to my younger self
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Dear mom, I'm a stranger?
Musing by Zack
This would be something that I wish I could tell my mom.

Most Viewed Non-fiction

My Step Daughter is a Lesbian
Story by RonnieJ
What do you do when you find out your child is gay?
The Old Woman In The Garden
Story by Keadie
Sometimes the people whom we've hardly known leave the strongest impressions in life.
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Last memories of my grandfather
Story by Sara Goertz
My grandfather died on November 3rd 2018, so this is sort of a memorial to him.
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no need to worry
Story by eternalcynic
no need to worry. The end is sure to come. It is inevitable. No one can escape it.
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Family Fighters
Story by aishisnice
The title is dedicated to the people in my family who have struggled odds and ends in life to keep us content. This is a conversation I shared with my Aunt.

Latest Non-fiction

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Sammykingston212's message
Hey plz check out my stories. Do you think I should keep writing, Cuz I hav so much Ideas. Let me know and comment :) Thank You - Samantha
A funeral of hope
Story by Live_life_fully
A true story of my friend, death, and hope.
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Story by Coldwriting77
i have no idea what i have written..
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Story by boomman17
Poem on the use of the word bitch and why I don't use it.
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La sonata para un amigo bueno
Story by Smaller
Este relato describe un día concreto en que Smaller se reunieron Maria Adella en forma excéntrica.
Sonata For A Good Friend
Story by Smaller
It is a short story describing a particular day of Smaller's life when he met Maria Adela in an eccentric way.
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Watch Pacquiao vs Marquez 3 live
Story by boybz
Watch livestream Pacquiao vs Marquez 3 live
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an unbreakable love
Story by yashodara
these words are lovingly tributed to every parent under the sun!!
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30 Days of summer
Life is like a rock that blocks our pathway of the good side. Here's a non-fiction story.
The Beauty Of Love
Story by Joe
A day in the life of death....
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A Baby Having A Baby
Story by sydknee10
Learning to become a parent at 19.
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Fear in Paradise
Story by ddhanson
Very short story about my brief encounter with a baby shark in the Fiji Islands.
Bullied at school and walking home
Story by kelsbtratl
One day some so called use to be friends started calling me names and making people stay away from me at school and on the bus and walking home to my house from da bus stop
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Story by cath
You must value those things and memories that happens Everyday, for they only come once and remember that the only thing you can do at the end is to regret for what you must have done yet you dint.
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Leave Elegance to the Tailor
Story by gdjuric
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Father of the Bribe
Story by gdjuric
Sublime ways of bribery
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Breakfast With Infidels
Story by gdjuric
Fighting fear
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My Psychotic Military Adventure
Story by gdjuric
A cloud that hang above my head for years
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When in Doubt - Flat Out!
Story by gdjuric
Wild days of racing
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A Swell Thief Part 3
Story by hayburn33
The evidence piles up as word from America confirms James Lyon as a known thief.
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A Swell Thief Part 2
Story by hayburn33
A series of hotel robberies in Scotland lead the police to James Lyon and his accomplice.
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A Swell Thief Part 1
Story by hayburn33
James Lyon is said to be the most successful thief now at work.
Story by sKullkittehs
Fears are so stupid, and so many people get bullied for them. This is just a poem about fears.
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Let me Introduce Myself
This is who I am!
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Captain Cook's Midshipman: William Harvey
Story by mudswimmer
A brief biography of a young midshipman who accompanied Captain Cook on each of his three voyages of discovery, and who kept, at times, a most revealing diary,
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A Bizarre Work Accident
Story by mudswimmer
For over twenty five years, a worker operated a safety valve to release scalding steam from a boiler. But what was his valve really connected to?
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Flaming Sky
Story by sKullkittehs
Remembering old times is so fun.
Story by cupcakes30
I hate me… I don’t even know me any more
Calhoun's Boys
Story by Irwin_Wylie
Three half-brothers visit their shared father in the hospital.
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Forty Years On
Story by mudswimmer
Beaten, locked up and fined by her employer, a young girl complains to the authorities but no one believes her. Forty years later, the truth emerges.
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love story of cody and bailey
Story by london_yayme33
about a teenage boy who loves bailey...
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A sensible jury would walk out in disgust
Story by mudswimmer
A minor charge ends up in the Crown Court and, while the police, lawyers and courts dip their snouts into a trough of public money, the life of an old man ebbs away.
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Kids Behind Barbed Wire
Story by mudswimmer
Life in a transit camp by the Suez Canal guarded by British soldiers. The main danger to the military authorities was not infiltrators but kids
Boys Behaving Badly
Story by mudswimmer
Life at a military orphanage in the 1950's
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The Amazing LIfe of Lady Cathcart
Story by mudswimmer
Kidnapped by her evil fourth husband, and locked away for twenty years, she eventually returns home to enjoy every minute of her final years
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Story by religare231
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Killorain's Treasure Island
Story by mudswimmer
A man spends years hunting for buried treasure on the wrong atoll, but when the real island is discovered, all who explore it are dogged with bad luck.
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Radio frequency
Story by knowwhodoyou
Real time.
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Nothing much.
Story by bradt4309
Part of my addiction memoir. Middle class, suburban college kid with straight A's falls into drug addiction. My confrontation with Rad in the ghettos of Detroit.
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Story by LeahTronic