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Love Short Stories

Random Love Short Stories

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I Tried
Poem by Erin Milligan
Written with Makaylee Power
I Am Emma chapter 5
Story by SJD ❤
emma life's enjoy 😊
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Your Business(Music Lyrics by Me(GLB)
Another Song I’ve Been Writing. (Please don’t try to steal. Knowing that you probably can’t even sing the way I put it, I sung it myself, Thank you, have a beautiful day!)
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When I see you crush, this is what I feel.

Most Favorited Love Short Stories

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Story by BaBEbOO
The boy and the girl was doing great until the girl had cancer...
Unbreakable Love
Two girls, Carter and Taylor fall in love and are unrepeatable. A terrible accident takes place, leaving only one survivor.
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Story by BaBEbOO
love is sorry... sorry is love...
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Story by BaBEbOO
This is story about two best friends whom secretly loved each other and wanted so much more than just friendship.....
Please Forgive Me Poem
Poem by Rich Powell
A short, rhyming romantic poem about a past relationship in which I reeled for forgiveness because of past insecurity.

Top Love Short Stories

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Story by BaBEbOO
The boy and the girl was doing great until the girl had cancer...
I'll Come for You
Story by TheForgotten
A girl is devastated when she loses her fiancé one day...
Unbreakable Love
Two girls, Carter and Taylor fall in love and are unrepeatable. A terrible accident takes place, leaving only one survivor.
Beckett Pt. 1
Story by LOVESPIKE3000
This is about an unpopular girl and a popular girl who fall in love. But they have to keep it a secret...
A Poem of Heartaching Thoughts
Poem by Rich Powell
A brief poem that I wrote about my current aching heart in a relationship that means so much to me.

Most Viewed Love Short Stories

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First Love
Story by LUNA XD
I think the first love is the best. What do you think?
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Story by BaBEbOO
The boy and the girl was doing great until the girl had cancer...
One Night With a Call Girl
Story by SubashAnjuru
The most beautiful stories of life happen in those dark places where you never dare to go..
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Story by BaBEbOO
This is story about two best friends whom secretly loved each other and wanted so much more than just friendship.....
Chapter 19 Jealous Husband
A wife admits her infidelity which throws her husband into a jealous rage.

Latest Love Short Stories

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The Island`s Secrets
Story by Elisart
My story is based in integrated elements that belong to business actuality, and favourite books.
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Lonely Souls
Story by Author21
Writing about missing someone
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Why Can't I Have That?
Musing by acosange
Enjoy my wants.
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Protecting Disaster- Chapter One
Story by Author21
Garret and Chelsei meet.
Protecting Disaster- Prologue
Story by Author21
She has an abusive father who would do anything to hurt her. Her boyfriend suspects something but doesn't know the severity of it.
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Puppy Love
Story by Author21
A story of a dog getting attacked and the owners falling in love.
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Is it a bond between 2 friends, 2 sisters or is it a mom writing to her daughter? check out for yourself!
It Was (Not?) Meant To Be
Story by Mike__B
Social dating apps are intended for hookups, but can love blossom from them?
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Musing by britney
its not really a story, its just emotion that I felt and happened to write down, its a writing about a boy whose flame turned me into smoke.
Poem by debbierey343
This is a poem I have just written about my ex while wandering down "evil lane". If many of you can relate I hope it makes you feel a little better to know that you are not alone.
Towards the Light
Story by Gaynor Jackson
A story of survival
Chapter 22 Edward's Games, Panic and Upscale World
Edward introduces me to a new world of fancy restaurants and big tips, a world unknown until then as I further betray my husband and family.
Chapter 21 Branded by Lover
As the affair develops with time Edward insist on changing me to be his.
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My Love
Poem by Jozay
I met you during one of my darkest times. You brought light into my life when I didn't think it was possible. <3
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Road to the Past
Story by 15ACooper
Girl and boy meet again with out memory.
Chapter 20. Keeping Jealouse Guppies Apart
A panty valentine's present from husband becomes a symbol of jealousy by an adulterous lover and wife learns to keep husband and lover in separate worlds.
Chapter 19 Jealous Husband
A wife admits her infidelity which throws her husband into a jealous rage.
Dusk till Dawn
Story by DuskBuenafides
This is my first write up so please read it and I hope you'll have patience.
Chapter 8. Fiancé' Honors and Protects Me
A girl is engaged on her 17th birthday. Her fiancee takes control. They save for marriage but she is allowed one concession due to her youth, Saturdays girls night out
Split Decision
When given the opportunity, would you risk saving anyone, only to cause pain the rest of your life? That is the choice Thomas will have to make.
Chapter 17. Infidelity Dates
Married woman crosses the line of infidelity, tells herself not to do it again but settles into a routine of infidelity. At the same time she tries to keep her husband and family world.
Chapter 7. Engaged on 17th Birthday
A girl learns to drive at 16 and gets first kiss, instructor asks her to marry him on her 17th birthday.
The Kind Heart
Story by LouiseC
This story is about the capture of love that was once so lost in tragic affairs that changed how one felt about another in their search of finding peace to live together in happiness.
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The Leap of Faith
Poem by Jozay
When you finally let go of something toxic, the light begins to shine in and your soul starts to feel content.
16. A New Dress
Stranger who buy earrings calls daily learning about woman until she is secretly in love with a voice which understands her
Chapter 15. New Earrings
Husbands swinging innuendo results in beginning of affair
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Poem by Jozay
Love can be confusing and lead to being delusional, this was a poem I wrote when I was going through one.
Chapter 11. Married Girl
Even though married with babies she thinks of herself as a girl who hasn't grown up yet.
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How I Met Your Mother
Story by yichxng
Nothing cheerful like the original "How I Met Your Mother". Enjoy!
Story by Shadow
A girl who's life changes in am Instant.
Letters to Derrick
Story by brokenshards22
A short story about two friends told entirely in letter form
Chapter 12. Cobra Learns to Belly Dance
Young married woman learns to belly dance and becomes a flirt
Her First Kiss; His First Love (Chpt. 20)
Story by Kat
Mindy is still at the hospital, waiting for everything to settle down.
Her First Kiss; His First Love (Chpt. 19)
Story by Kat
Mindy and Tom realize that Mindy's condition was not going to get better any time soon.
Her Fisrt Kiss; His First Love (Chpt. 18)
Story by Kat
Mindy and Tom fight through a few new emotional struggles.
Chapter 10. Motel 6 Wedding Night
10. Wedding and honeymoon of 18 year old bride
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2 hearts Victorian Whole
The gas light from the flames guided her to Victorian cobblestone town. She was just waiting for someone when he met her eye. Just words had a way of tumbling down.
Love Conquers All, or Maybe It Doesn't
Story by Jupiter_R
She has a terrible love life, an amazingly useless education, and a dark secret not even her best friend knows. (Drawing inspiration from the movie "The Escort")
Chapter 1. A Wanton Wife
Married woman pulls out of her driveway pretending not to but with adultery intent.
Chapter 9. Alviso Train Kiss
Notre Dame Catholic High School student engaged to be married in 2 months on graduation, still, a virgin visits Alviso with an unknown date. They dine at Val's a local landmark then view the salt ponds trekking to the ghost town of Drawbridge.
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The Indescribable Feeling
Poem by Hayooy1996
A simple description about how it feel to have a new baby.
Her First Kiss; His First Love (Chapter 17)
Story by Kat
Mindy continues to try to deal with her condition.
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And So I Long
I don't focus on romance as a genre when writing; it feels nice to get out of one's comfort zone sometimes.
Thunder Always Follows Lighting
Story by Aspen-Faye
The worst thunderstorm in memory hits the town of Warhawk....
Her First Kiss; His First Love (Chpt. 16)
Story by Kat
Mindy and Tom continue to relax after the diagnosis.
Heart Racing Part 2
Story by MrsE1234
Read part 1 first. Lacey is a 17 year old race car driver with little time for another other than school and racing, until she met Dylan.
Heart Racing Part 1
Story by MrsE1234
17 year old Lacey's life is busy, between school and travelling every weekend for car racing she doesn't have much time for anything else. Until a new racer changes everything.
Her First Kiss; His First Love (Chpt. 15)
Story by Kat
Mindy tells Tom about a part of her past.
Her First Kiss; His First Love (Chpt. 14)
Story by Kat
The doctors tell Mindy what her case is.
Her First Kiss; His First Love (Chpt. 13)
Story by Kat
Mindy has a strange problem that worries Tom.