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Random Non-fiction

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Lia - 01 - The call
Story by Maanasa
Lia, an ordinary and innocent girl who wishes to be a singer but ends up being dead.
The Legendary Trios
Story by stonerockz19
This is a nonfiction piece about the Legendary Pokemon Trio
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Quarantine Survival Guide
Musing by Kat Dickens
So recently I was in contact with someone who tested positive with covid, so I decided to write a Quarantine Survival Guide full of tips that I found useful in quarantine.
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Story by HudaFatima
The best part about writing is that - You can, without fear, paint anyone you fancy with your big and small words.
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Story by LeahTronic

Most Favorited Non-fiction

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Dear Younger Me
Story by Child_of_God
A letter to my younger self
Story by Tammy
It's not about betrayal. It is only about money!!!
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Best and Friends
Story by Tammy
How to be best with best friends.
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Story by SamZ
Writing prompt #1.
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Never Again
Story by SamZ
Zac idea of "fun" gets him serious consequences!

Top Non-fiction

Lockdown 1
Story by Justice_Dolly
This is about how a serious lock down got scary real quick.
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Journey of Perfection in Love.
Story by Imitation.o
It tells about the perfection in love. As no one is perfect in it.
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New Best Friend
Story by Augusta
To my all new best friends.
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Dear Younger Me
Story by Child_of_God
A letter to my younger self
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Dear mom, I'm a stranger?
Musing by Zack
This would be something that I wish I could tell my mom.

Most Viewed Non-fiction

My Step Daughter is a Lesbian
Story by RonnieJ
What do you do when you find out your child is gay?
The Old Woman In The Garden
Story by Keadie
Sometimes the people whom we've hardly known leave the strongest impressions in life.
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Last memories of my grandfather
Story by Sara Goertz
My grandfather died on November 3rd 2018, so this is sort of a memorial to him.
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Family Fighters
Story by aishisnice
The title is dedicated to the people in my family who have struggled odds and ends in life to keep us content. This is a conversation I shared with my Aunt.
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no need to worry
Story by eternalcynic
no need to worry. The end is sure to come. It is inevitable. No one can escape it.

Latest Non-fiction

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I Saved Myself So It’s a Reboot. Again!
Musing by HudaFatima
If you can give out one thing, teach others to be strong even in the face of their desire to end their own life.
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That ‘Too Much’ Can Hurt So Much
Musing by HudaFatima
In the process of losing so much, I gained one biggest thing. I gained clearance. Clearance of thought and sight.
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This Is How Every Waking Hour Is Like Without Your Mother
Story by HudaFatima
Either you can let your tears take a hold on you or you can fight them back but at the end, you both face defeat because it wasn’t about you two; it was about you resisting that ache.
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That Voice, Your Voice Is Like a Sunbeam
Poem by HudaFatima
When you are smitten by someone, you chicken out! No matter how confident you are, but infront of that one person; it’s like - I don’t even know who I am
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Wee are We
Poem by Matt Decker
"Point of view points you to a poignant truth." This poem shrinks down for a lesson in perspective.
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Diary Entry One
Story by Kira_Scarlet
I don't know what to write, so I'll just write the events of my life until I get inspiration.
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Story by HudaFatima
The best part about writing is that - You can, without fear, paint anyone you fancy with your big and small words.
My Life
Story by Bbertie3
This is a story of my life. Not so short
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Long Lost Friend
Poem by Akanksha_08
About my childhood, I spent in small city.
Basic Training 1967
Story by Benartflick
This is what it was like for me, a draftee, and a few I met that died in Vietnam shortly later.
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That Brief Second of His View Stole My Sleep
Story by HudaFatima
No amount of my words and my description of him will do justice, he is so picturesque. I get entangled so swiftly.
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Lia - 01 - The call
Story by Maanasa
Lia, an ordinary and innocent girl who wishes to be a singer but ends up being dead.
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To You, My Valentine
Poem by HudaFatima
They say love melts the heavy weight, so here I’m waiting for mine to find me.
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Step One in Healing
Story by Kiraa
"When we push something into darkness, when we leave it in the depths of our souls, it inevitably becomes rotten."
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The Window Into My 3amS
Story by HudaFatima
The ride through the pain and grief over loss to death is chaotic and dreadful. People leave for a different unreachable world but death lives every day right infront of your eye through their absence
Bleak Thanksgiving - the House at 303
Story by MiltonGalfas
Watch as tragedy sparks the downward spiral of a brilliant young man in New Jersey and New York.
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My Heart! How Still It Aches
Poem by HudaFatima
There is no time cap on how long before you will feel normal again after a loss to death.
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The Circle Turns and Turns
Story by MaxMore
Poem reflecting on the circle of la life
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Dear First Crush
Poem by HudaFatima
When you aren’t looking, I stare at your figure.
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The Love of Ice
Poem by Hockey4Life55
Getting onto the ice feels amazing,
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Upward Swimming
Story by Udayangani
A story of a Srilankan girl who got into difficulties in the water because of lack of experience
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Darkest Hour
Poem by Jozay
Life isn't always sunshine and daisy's... but it doesn't mean you have to let the darkness consume your life.
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The Huffy and the Whatchamacallit
Story by Ricky Taylor
A Christmas story about the greatest gift of my childhood.
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Your Dark Coloured Slipovers of Wool
Poem by HudaFatima
The world moves around me and I manage to remain in a haze of infatuation, My constant this year.
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Life's Roller Coaster Ride
Poem by Jozay
A series of ups and downs, life is quite the adventure. I always thought the saying was cliche, but came to realize it was very true.
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Musing by cricket
This is who i am.
Poem by cricket
how my life in school is
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Story by kkliz
Message to self. You are self destructing.
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Rhetorical Speech in Julius Ceasar
Story by melissak
Ever read Julius Ceasar? This is a paper I wrote in the speech at his funeral.
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Your Dark Meaning
Poem by Enfel
I enlightened your dark meaning...
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Story by kkliz
Family Feels Adamant, Must Inject Loyalty Your way
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When Going Gets Tough, Tough Get Going
Story by jim brown
I fall into a fire and struggle to escape. Burne, I enter an adventure of new experiences.
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I Can't Have It All
People see others as perfect but nobody is perfect. You may look happy, rich or someone else but one can't really have it all.
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How am I Feeling?
A sonnet written for my found love whom I feel the negatives but he made them all positive
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Poem by Matt Decker
What's so funny? This poem is a playful commentary on our social media obsession.
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Poem by melissak
Which came first?
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Desmond Doss
Story by melissak
A WWII veteran that never picked up a gun.
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The Way She Sees
Story by why_now
This story is about someone in my life and how she[s grown over the past few years.
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That Month of the Year
Story by HudaFatima
I wasn’t alone. I had me. So I cried to my heart’s content.
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Dear Crush
Poem by HudaFatima
There is a nice touch to the air around when your eyes gets to settle on the guy you have been crushing over.
The Thing Around Her Neck.
Don't think you have so much time in this world.
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Poem by Matt Decker
Words about words? Yes, please! This poem highlights those "simple nimble symbols" that script our lives.
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A Single Word – A Flood of Memories
Story by kacrowson
Memories triggered by a recent news story of the dive boat Conception
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The Decoy
Story by jim brown
I kept a decoy thorough life which reminds me of the Alviso of my youth.
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That One Look at You
Poem by HudaFatima
Infatuation and love overlaps with driving one to do things which can’t be explained.
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Poem by queitwriter24
This is my first post in shortstories101. This is a poem about a personal experience
Story by bridget
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To You, My ‘Crush’
Poem by HudaFatima
To ask you out.
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Poem by bridget
A typical day in my life since I had two bad falls!
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Dear Crush, You Have Distrupt My Cue
Story by HudaFatima
It’s hard to not write about ‘him’.