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Sad Short Stories

Random Sad Short Stories

Last Words
Story by RLMaring
A story of a girl's last words to her mom
My Father
Story by Caren Allister
Linda is sitting in her room, hearing her parents fight. Linda's father Vernon had expected her mother to have dinner ready for him. This story criticises traditional stereotypical gender roles.
Shrina's Story.
Story by storywriter101
Shrina, a Indian Australian girl, begins a relationship with Hardeep 'Deep' Rogers, someone who she really trusts and has complete faith in...only to end up tangled in something Shrina cannot get hers
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Hands Off
Story by rogerjeff
A man takes his wife to visit a family friend. She is a widow and also his lover. He hopes to discuss the relationships but it doesn't turn out as he hoped. They both attack him and he's abandoned.

Most Favorited Sad Short Stories

Hospital Windows
Story by Author Unknown
And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.
Poem by kkhause
A suicide note of hopelessness and pain...
How Could You?
Story by Co1dnight
A short story that shows how unconditional a dog's love is. You're likely to cry after reading this.
Last Words
Story by RLMaring
A story of a girl's last words to her mom
I let someone into my life. And they kinda sorta broke me a little bit.

Top Sad Short Stories

Poem by kkhause
A suicide note of hopelessness and pain...
I let someone into my life. And they kinda sorta broke me a little bit.
November 21st at 6:58am
Story by 🌸Fate
He opened his eyes again looking dull as ever. Time just keep repeating.
Story by Author Unknown
My personal experience with depression. Touches on what I've gone through and how lucky I am to be where I am today.
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Accident or Suicide
Poem by From_Me
A poem about the pain of a torn mental state caused by inner demons and thoughts of suicide.

Most Viewed Sad Short Stories

Last Words
Story by RLMaring
A story of a girl's last words to her mom
Hospital Windows
Story by Author Unknown
And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.
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A Tear to the Eye
Story by Author Unknown
Barbara was driving her six-year-old son, Benjamin, to his piano lesson when something bad happened....
Story by Author Unknown
My personal experience with depression. Touches on what I've gone through and how lucky I am to be where I am today.
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Story by mazharabro
A Short Story from Sindhi Literature Author: Mazhar Abro Translated by: Hafeez Darban.

Latest Sad Short Stories

It's So Easy
Poem by Oxygen
Sad poem. If you are able to figure out the meaning you might be a little shocked.
My Crimes Against You
Poem by TheOutsider
My abusive relationship.
Poem by Oxygen
Sad poem I wrote in 2018.
Why Now?
Life is cruel but regardless we still manage to forge ahead to the better times.
Musing by Annielol399
The end of all the suffering...
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The Happy Sunflower
A Sunflower with a tough life cycle <3
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Come Back, I Still Need You
Story by academbrella
A story of life and love, between a grandmother and a girl.
In the Dark Room
Story by bscotch
Cruelty with no solution.
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The Promotion
Story by Koodzy
A nice short story about a man and his family.
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The Bee
Poem by Miavm
This is a poem I wrote.
You Dont See What I See
Poem by Zip017
My thoughts to my friend
How I Look at Lies.
A short poem of how lie made this world a... Better world...
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The Stars in the Night
Musing by Beginner_Writer
This story tells you how I went through the rough side of life along with the stars in the night.
Love Is Like Pesticide
I believe I won't stop loving this guy and It seems like he doesn't care.
Poem by Justice_Dolly
A girl desperately wants to tell a boy sorry but he leaves he wondering what she did wrong.
The Girl Who Left Her Guard Up
Story by why_now
This is a story kind of like "The Girl with Depression" but a little bit longer. She didn't find the need to hide who she really was.
Childhood Accident
Story by Robert Thornton
This is a short story of an event that took place during a boys childhood., and how it changed the boys perspective on life.
Michael Brown, Gone too Early
Story by Robert Thornton
Michael Brown was an 18-year-old boy who had a wrongful death at the hands of a police officer. this story tells the accounts of the people involved.
The Date
Story by Optimism101
A short story about a boy, and what used to be.
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I Want to Be Myself
Poem by Imitation.o
Story of a girl who wants to be kind.
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The Crash
Poem by Addie
Scream, Swerve, Crash
Falling - Part 1
Story by Andraaknas
Falling, Part 1, Attempts. Part 1 of 4.
The Nightmare on Wood Way Drive Part #1
Story by Justice_Dolly
Her family was in a horrible car accident. Her son and her parents where killed. She started hearing sounds in the house a night later. Was it her family? Or was it something else?
The Dark Carousel
The is a short story about a newly homeless divorce woman with a drug addiction.
An Aid for the Dead.
Story by Imitation.o
It is a small story of a depressed girl.
Story by scorp
You're at the edge of the building. Jump?
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It Wasn't Supposed to Happen
Story by TheForgotten
A short story based on grief...
Like a Bullet
Poem by Andraaknas
Why is love like a bullet?
take flight (part one)
she couldn’t find happiness. no matter what she did, her thoughts were too strong. she found sanctuary through a notebook. what happens when that notebook falls into the wrong hands?
Story by HH
Building a relationship in a new country.
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What Hurts the Most
Poem by deadgirl2004
just a little something that came to mind
I'll Be There Tonight
Poem by Callie_Writes
Trigger warnig: Suicide, Overdose, Wrist slitting, Hanging
Tears on My Pillowcase
Poem by Kyleewrites
The realistic image of a lonely and broken teenager, who cries into their pillowcase, every single night.
Everyone Thought She Was Happy Chapter 1
Story by Callie_Writes
This story is about a girl to absorbed in herself she put her familys life on the line. Read to see what happens.
Story by ellie
“Momma I don’t want too….Yeah, I know but why do I gotta…What about Desirey?... Okay!” Jordan slammed the phone shut, got up and walked to the door.
A Warm Summer Night
Story by shianeru
Broken-hearted after a break up, Andrew was wallowing in despair and regret in a dark beach. As he was about to drown himself, a mysterious woman arrived and saved him.
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Poem by ellie
It's more of a poem than a story, also was written many years ago.
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Special .
Story by kalog
A story that you would never expected to happen.
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Always Cheating
Story by kalog
Men cannot survive without cheating, is is in their nature . © M.F Moonzajer .
My Depressed Little Girl
Story by Her
A brief company he gave wasn't worth the pain she felt inside her chest every night.
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Story by Thomas Ray
A man looking for something that can't be measured or seen.
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I Am
Poem by deadgirl2004
A poem about how I feel and who I am
Story by Annielol399
Hard to hold on sometimes
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The Boy Who Couldn't
Story by Robert Thornton
The life story of a young boy named Robert Thornton who wasn't able to.
Lost Girl
Story by lopez18
Girl that grew up with traumas, struggles, and suicides and it just gets worse. At the end she is lost in her mind and needs an escape from life, tragic story, you'll fell her pain
The Night Together
A story about a handsome boy who fell in love with a beautiful girl. Everything was going good but a sudden incident changed everything. A sad story
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Just Ten
What does the number ten signify? Perplexed, the hero experiences series of events related to the number ten. yet, he least expected the real face of ten at last.
Musing by billymead1991
A memoir of the last few times I saw my friend before he committed suicide.
Nothing Can Heal
A poem for a broken heart which cannot be healed.
I Saw and Said Nothing
I saw her pain, her scars, and said nothing, too frozen by the force of my own pain to offer what relief I could to her's.