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Fairy Tale Short Stories

Random Fairy Tale Short Stories

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Calm Earth
Story by AaronTheRocker
With a flute, Calm can tame dragon Earth from it's struggles and rebellious acts.
The Gods~the Clouds~and the Golden Key
Story by Billy Foster
Four brothers are set a task by their mother, and when they have succeeded they can obtain the golden key.
The Adventures of Nik (Chapter 1)
Story by Torchii
I literally wrote this story when I was 5 or something. It took me hours to decipher 3 pages of this so please, don’t judge.
Walks of Rasha
Story by polywog62
But they didn't know his reputation.
Queen of Folklore: Geneisis
Story by resie
The Queens of make believe lived in world where there was no hate, sin, fear, grief, sorrow, sadness, darkness, or even death in there world. Until humans started adding other beings to the world of make believe that was know as tormentors.

Most Favorited Fairy Tale Short Stories

Draco Malfoy
Story by Joshua_12
FAnfiction of Draco Malfoy from the series Harry Potter
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Book 1: Ramsey Doogetwadset
Story by Savage3footer
Funny story about two kids on earth who encounter some problems. THERE IS A SECOND BOOK, So if you liked this one read it!
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Winter's Rose
Poem by WynnBrothers
A poetic look at how the growth of a girl into a woman shapes the world
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Who's Who - Part I
She is a fairy; he is a human. Can her magic protect her from the swing of marvel? Experience the dazzling magic, family secrets, and swoon-worthy romance swept away into this enchanting world!
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Who's Who - Part II
A human in a fairy realm; What danger it is supposed to bring? Is Marty a real human? Sink in the story of twists and surprises.

Top Fairy Tale Short Stories

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Hansel & Grettle Are the Bad Guys
Story by Durandal
This is an assignment I did for school. The story we used was one where Hansel & Grettle died. We had to make an argument in either the witch is or is not innocent.
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Book 1: Ramsey Doogetwadset
Story by Savage3footer
Funny story about two kids on earth who encounter some problems. THERE IS A SECOND BOOK, So if you liked this one read it!
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Trolls Are Bad
Musing by SilverOaks
A story idea about trolls..... if I get 100 views, 3 reviews, and one recommend then I will write a story with it.
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the cloud walker (prologue)
She is the Cloud Walker, a mystical creature who makes dreams. This is her story.
Draco Malfoy
Story by Joshua_12
FAnfiction of Draco Malfoy from the series Harry Potter

Most Viewed Fairy Tale Short Stories

Lucifer Falls
Story by FallenHOC
Ever wonder why Lucifer betrayed God? What would make him betray everything he knows? We all know the story but what happened next!
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Attack of the Killer Bees, by Dr. Philbilly
Story by DrPhilbilly
Dr. Philbilly is attacked by a swarm of killer Bees and it goes from bad to worse is a hurry.
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Winter's Rose
Poem by WynnBrothers
A poetic look at how the growth of a girl into a woman shapes the world

Latest Fairy Tale Short Stories

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Story by hercules
Princess Merida has to face a shape-shifting sorcerer. What are the sorcerer's intentions? And can Merida save the day?
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Poem by hercules
Poem about Princess Merida.
Story by HSuys
Fairy tale turns horror
The Jötunheimr, the Land Of The Giants
Harold Dankworth, an English archaeologist searches for the mythological Jötunheimr, the land of the legendary giants.
That's How Lolly Captured the Butterfly of Life
This story is inspired by fairytales.
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The Magically Mixed Up High School Mystery, Part 10
Story by Hermione Malfoy
We finally come to an ending of this story
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The Magically Mixed Up High School Mystery, Part 8
Story by Hermione Malfoy
It's Briar's birthday...and she's missing!
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If Unicorns Were Real...
Poem by Blitzø
What I think unicorns would be like ^^
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handmaid’s tale final draft
Story by sophiaayana
a girl named thyra searching for her long lost sister
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The Magically Mixed Up High School Mystery, Part 6
Story by Hermione Malfoy
Where are Amber and Daniel going to go now that they're out of prison?
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Wilbert the Wizard
Story by KujiFox
Wilbert Tizard returns to play the game
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Timmy's Adventure
Story by Jacob23805
A story of Timothy Lewis' Adventure to Zoaville; a made-up land created in his imagination.
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The Magically Mixed Up High School Mystery Part 2
Story by Hermione Malfoy
Find out what happens to Amber after she's sucked into the portal.
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The Magically Mixed Up High School Mystery
Story by Hermione Malfoy
It's Friday the 13th and two friends, Amber and Daniel, decide to skip Biology.
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He the Rabbit
He The Rabbit On A Adventure To Find Happiness To His Beloved Owner Of Sadness.
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Once Upon a Lie
Story by TheMaskedWriter
A short bedtime story that teaches you not to lie.
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Calm Earth
Story by AaronTheRocker
With a flute, Calm can tame dragon Earth from it's struggles and rebellious acts.
The Adventures of Nik (Chapter 1)
Story by Torchii
I literally wrote this story when I was 5 or something. It took me hours to decipher 3 pages of this so please, don’t judge.
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The Dragon of the Deep (Part 2)
Story by Blitzø
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The Dragon of the Deep
Story by Blitzø
I'm not really sure where I'm goin' with this...
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A New Hybrid
Story by Ilovepugs
Another remake of a Hybrid Life this is a draft just tell me what you think
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The Purge Ereri
Story by Ilovepugs
Another Fanfiction
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Story by Ilovepugs
Its a KenHina story
A Hybrid's Life
Story by Ilovepugs
Most of the story
The Well
Story by MichaelD
A young man is haunted by a desire to express his creativity and yet finds no outlet for himself.
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Saturn's Granddaughters
Story by LeaSheryn
Saturn wishes to retire. He has to chose one of his granddaughters to take his place.
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Nisha's Sacrifice
Story by LeCat127
A girl is chosen to be the sacrifice to her goddess
The Queen
Story by Despicable_Moi
Adelaine, a rebel assassin, arrives to the palace prepared to take the next step to creating a better world.
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A Forest's Demise
Story by mello_reyes
A short recollection of one who observes the luscious forest dear to her as it slowly diminishes from its great glory.
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Loves Contrast Chapter 2
Story by Nugget
"Dad...?" I ask him, sure I'm mistaken
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Weekday Poem
Poem by Nugget
This is my brothers poem. (don't mind I snooped in his room. He gonna be pissedddddd)
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Morwenna Gloop
Story by DD051005
Just something I wrote.
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Story by hercules
Two explorers called Tom and Jerry go underground, where they meet a descendant of the lost continent of Lemuria and get taken to an underground city called Talos.
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If Fairytales Made Sense
Story by PuffyPancakes
For this I'm doing Goldilocks by Robert Southey except it makes sense, or at least as much sense as a fairy tale makes.
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Just Madness
Story by Blitzø
The couch has been taken and the soda is gone. What will happen to the watermelon people and what are the chipmunks plotting?... -_-
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The Quarry and the Curse
Story by Sepperince
What happens when you fall in quarry and a mysterious hand grabs your foot? What happens when you car goes over a cliff and you get stuck in a cave at the bottom of a lake?
Draco Malfoy
Story by Joshua_12
FAnfiction of Draco Malfoy from the series Harry Potter
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The Legend of the Flang-Chong Dragon
Story by LeaSheryn
Ewan McDuff falls in love with the Princess Su-Sung
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Story by ChrisPlato
A fairy story with real fairy
Chapter 2 A Hybrids Life / Promise High
Story by Ilovepugs
Ok, I'm at my new school everything seems fine until last period....
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Skies Fall
A travelling storyteller discovers something among abandoned ruins.
Chapter 1 A Hybrids Life / First Day
Story by Ilovepugs
This is my first day. But why I'm so nervous?
Introduction / A Hybrids Life
Story by Ilovepugs
This story is about a normal girl named Raven Gracefield with her 3 brothers, wait did I say normal I mean a hybrid girl with and nonhuman brothers too and this is her life so let's begin.
The Wolf and The Rabbit
Story by AaronTheRocker
A horrific interaction between a prideful wolf and a little rabbit, if that's what it is. *My favorite writing I have created so far*
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Independence Day
Story by Scriptorius
One of my favourite items from Madazine, in memory of my husband who departed from this plane almost a year ago, by now.
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The Story of Jess
a demon girl finds a shadow man but this is her life story bold for luccifer italic for background characters normal for jess
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The Diary Jessie`s Entry
a story about diary entries from the romeave sisters
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A Hybrid's Life Part 2
Story by Ilovepugs
This is going to be one crazy year!
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Girins in the Code
Story by Alethea Lyons
Girins are small, mischievous creatures who like to mess with computers and people's lingual skills. More of a pest than a real threat, they are still a pain for Harper and the team to get rid of.
Whispers in the Dark
Story by Alethea Lyons
A short lesson on why it is dangerous to stay out after dark. Set in a dark, alternative version of York.