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-Lynnyan-'s Profile


-Lynnyan- is from US United States • 16 y/o • Female

I’m not back

And Then I Woke Up
Story by Sameen Abrar (21)
A life found at the cost of a life lost.
9 mins
Words: 1850
Read Time: 9 mins
Musing by Rachel Elizabeth (17)
Everything I love about the rain
<1 min
Words: 116
Read Time: <1 min
Why Is Everything Changing?
Poem by Poet (19)
Why must things change?
<1 min
Words: 77
Read Time: <1 min
I Am His Moon
Story by daftme (17)
he said i was his moon, but was i really his moon?
<1 min
Words: 165
Read Time: <1 min
The Glue
Poem by Anthony E (55)
A poem about a mother's love.
<1 min
Words: 140
Read Time: <1 min
Someone Once Asked Me
Story by why_now (20)
a more personal entry.
1 min
Words: 316
Read Time: 1 min
King Kyruss
Story by Lev821 (50)
What are the consequences of completing a board-game he'd been obsessed with?
5 mins
Words: 1123
Read Time: 5 mins
Catherine's Life - Chapter One
Story by XXawesome_personXX (19)
Chapter One of a mystery novel I started writing recently!
2 mins
Words: 504
Read Time: 2 mins
Let Them Talk
Story by SadπŸ₯Ί (18)
a little poem about some stuff I struggle with.
<1 min
Words: 57
Read Time: <1 min
Story by scorp (17)
a girl with pale eyes
1 min
Words: 217
Read Time: 1 min
Hey, Future Me?
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
A boy's letter to himself.
1 min
Words: 269
Read Time: 1 min
Being an Outsider
Musing by King (20)
I was given this as a school project and this is only part of it
1 min
Words: 266
Read Time: 1 min
Salt and Sugar
Musing by Theo (17)
My final goodbye to a toxic friendship
1 min
Words: 388
Read Time: 1 min
Last Moments
Story by _Sky (26)
Just a short story about someone who fought for what he thought was "right".
<1 min
Words: 117
Read Time: <1 min
Just something I decided to write
<1 min
Words: 130
Read Time: <1 min
Bread Loaf
Story by NorthernPhoenix (23)
An odd comparison I never thought I'd make, let alone publish, yet here we are
<1 min
Words: 149
Read Time: <1 min
Julan Wakes Up Loren
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
Um... Julan wakes up Loren?
1 min
Words: 246
Read Time: 1 min
A Promise
Story by NobodyImportant (24)
The worst promises we break are the ones we make to ourselves.
6 mins
Words: 1353
Read Time: 6 mins
The New House
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
At night, something always feels... Off...
1 min
Words: 369
Read Time: 1 min
Miss the Good Times
Story by Jan Brooks (17)
Slowly and slowly I fade.
4 mins
Words: 821
Read Time: 4 mins
Final Words, Written
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
A farewell note.
<1 min
Words: 133
Read Time: <1 min
Story by hercules (35)
A reckless young man enters an area of woodland and gets eaten by Velociraptors.
1 min
Words: 212
Read Time: 1 min
Story by Danieloptera (71)
It is a unusual story about life.
3 mins
Words: 769
Read Time: 3 mins
What's for Dinner?
Story by Michael Crawley (69)
The tension and strife caused by the simple need to decide what to fix for dinner is the focus of this humorous look at relationships.
6 mins
Words: 1373
Read Time: 6 mins
Story by Michael Crawley (69)
A businesswoman encounters a man who is homeless, and tragically she makes a mistake she'll regret for the rest of her life.
23 mins
Words: 4784
Read Time: 23 mins
Love Letter
Story by Jan Brooks (17)
A love letter from a special someone to you.
5 mins
Words: 1013
Read Time: 5 mins
Fingers and Machines
Story by SamizdatMcTasty (30)
Flash fiction story. A man carries a mystery in his pocket.
<1 min
Words: 153
Read Time: <1 min
Amy's Discovery
Story by Jan Brooks (17)
An eight year old found a wounded kitten in the snow, and adopts him.
5 mins
Words: 1117
Read Time: 5 mins
Angel in Disguise
Story by Jan Brooks (17)
Miranda helping a blind man cross the street. Or is he?
3 mins
Words: 696
Read Time: 3 mins
Story by Jan Brooks (17)
Action action and action.......that's it.
1 min
Words: 309
Read Time: 1 min
Loving Your Body
Poem by Jan Brooks (17)
A poem about your body.
<1 min
Words: 107
Read Time: <1 min
Musing by Thomas Ray (21)
The weight of silence, and the fear of giving away too much.
1 min
Words: 254
Read Time: 1 min
The Story of One Student
Story by violarose (44)
One clever professor at the university once asked a student an interesting question:
3 mins
Words: 605
Read Time: 3 mins
Story by LeCat127 (22)
A random snippet of life and dialogue between an antisocial hairdresser and her bizarre great aunt
3 mins
Words: 778
Read Time: 3 mins
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
A woman answers the knock at her door.
1 min
Words: 240
Read Time: 1 min
You Are Special
Story by Aquarius (86)
From β€˜Our World In Transition’
9 mins
Words: 1868
Read Time: 9 mins
Our Future
Story by SadπŸ₯Ί (18)
This is us. You are all I need
<1 min
Words: 136
Read Time: <1 min
How Long
Poem by Sepperince (18)
Do you ever wonder how long things will last?
<1 min
Words: 68
Read Time: <1 min
Crying Alone in the Darkness
Story by kayleeistwix (20)
Love and abuse have one thing in common they are both very much so real. Never forget that!
10 mins
Words: 2168
Read Time: 10 mins
golden boy (part one)
Story by ~ twixx ~ (16)
on this night, a golden-haired boy sat cradled in the embracing arms of three sturdy tree branches
1 min
Words: 254
Read Time: 1 min
who are you?
this is very scattered.
1 min
Words: 229
Read Time: 1 min
I Don't Like Humans
Story by Black Sheep (19)
Just something, I don't even now.
1 min
Words: 288
Read Time: 1 min
My Mind
Story by Black Sheep (19)
Just something, I guess
1 min
Words: 220
Read Time: 1 min
They Just...
Story by Black Sheep (19)
Just something, I guess
<1 min
Words: 172
Read Time: <1 min
You Want
Poem by Black Sheep (19)
Something I just thought of Not really sure if this counts as a poem but oh well
<1 min
Words: 78
Read Time: <1 min
Just a poem I wrote
<1 min
Words: 71
Read Time: <1 min
What Time It Is
Poem by LemonSqueez (25)
A child and mother's relationship throughout life.
1 min
Words: 312
Read Time: 1 min
I Vow
Poem by Nugget (17)
Just random stuff I've been working on. Weird... I never think up stuff for days, then just randomly start up on em.
<1 min
Words: 148
Read Time: <1 min
What You Should Say
Musing by Black Sheep (19)
Just something I thought of
2 mins
Words: 531
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by Smae (41)
Feelings, emotions and a lesson to be learnt πŸ’”
1 min
Words: 265
Read Time: 1 min
If I Were an Author
Poem by supernova (19)
An author? Me? Let's see!
<1 min
Words: 198
Read Time: <1 min
Plandemic : The Grand Finale
Story by Aquarius (86)
From β€˜Songs Of Inspiration’
6 mins
Words: 1205
Read Time: 6 mins
Lost Girl
Poem by NorthernPhoenix (23)
Poem about losing oneself
<1 min
Words: 158
Read Time: <1 min
The Boy Whom the Stars Hid From
Blake a high school student, struggles to reconcile with a Emma, whom he bullied during middle school.
12 mins
Words: 2497
Read Time: 12 mins
Poem by
Some days are perfect
<1 min
Words: 40
Read Time: <1 min
after the funeral
don't expect this kind of stuff from me too often
<1 min
Words: 116
Read Time: <1 min
I'll Wait for You
Poem by hvdiyya (14)
Though we never had a chance to say goodbye, Remember me… When winter snows are falling through a quiet sky
<1 min
Words: 144
Read Time: <1 min
Kitchen Romance
And now I have to go in through the back.
1 min
Words: 219
Read Time: 1 min
farewell, my friend
i'm not that into poetry
<1 min
Words: 140
Read Time: <1 min
If Fairytales Made Sense
Story by PuffyPancakes (16)
For this I'm doing Goldilocks by Robert Southey except it makes sense, or at least as much sense as a fairy tale makes.
3 mins
Words: 659
Read Time: 3 mins
Poem by King (20)
No, I'm not talking about you
1 min
Words: 230
Read Time: 1 min
The Future
Poem by Chantal (37)
This is a poem about life and looking towards the future.
<1 min
Words: 86
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by ~ twixx ~ (16)
in his enderwalk state, ranboo does something he'll never forget
<1 min
Words: 109
Read Time: <1 min
I Don't Care
Poem by AaronTheRocker (21)
We've seem to forgotten two important details in this world.
<1 min
Words: 154
Read Time: <1 min
I Am Sorry
Poem by HazbinAllover (21)
Here is a poem that speaks for my wrongs.
<1 min
Words: 65
Read Time: <1 min
The Pain
Poem by hvdiyya (14)
You don't know how much it hurts....the pain...
<1 min
Words: 134
Read Time: <1 min
Dear Bully,
Story by Joshua_12 (20)
What if you realized the effects your words had on people?
1 min
Words: 269
Read Time: 1 min
"What Am I Gonna Do With You?"
Story by Poet (19)
Everything I wish didnt happen
<1 min
Words: 138
Read Time: <1 min
i don't understand
i want you to understand
<1 min
Words: 199
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by hvdiyya (14)
Forgiveness? What is it...
<1 min
Words: 131
Read Time: <1 min
You Were Tired
Story by hvdiyya (14)
When God saw you getting tired And a cure was not to be He put his arms around you And whispered come to me
<1 min
Words: 90
Read Time: <1 min
Struggling to Survive
Story by jeancommunicates (79)
Is this an era of uncommon poverty?
4 mins
Words: 805
Read Time: 4 mins
The Angels
Story by hvdiyya (14)
I felt it. I could see it.
<1 min
Words: 136
Read Time: <1 min
A Love Hate Relationship
Story by PuffyPancakes (16)
I quite like this one luv
<1 min
Words: 142
Read Time: <1 min
Look Forward.
Story by hvdiyya (14)
Life is a carousel, always going forward, never going back. Look to the future, not to the past.
<1 min
Words: 189
Read Time: <1 min
(Not) Worth It
Poem by Despicable_Moi (19)
I'm (not) worth it. I have (no) value. Just like you.
<1 min
Words: 62
Read Time: <1 min
Have You Ever?
Story by Black Sheep (19)
A poem By Tears Fall, thank you Had.
<1 min
Words: 151
Read Time: <1 min
Unkown Murder
Story by hvdiyya (14)
I was murdered. But no-one knew.
1 min
Words: 221
Read Time: 1 min
people have different uses for their spare time. this is one of mine.
1 min
Words: 368
Read Time: 1 min
I Though We Had More Time
Story by hvdiyya (14)
Why couldn't you stay longer? Enough to make you proud, but life didn't make you wait.
<1 min
Words: 123
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by hvdiyya (14)
You are somewhere safe and beautiful. Away from this horrible world. That was the only thing I wanted
<1 min
Words: 76
Read Time: <1 min
Story by hvdiyya (14)
help please. i see it coming. please. it coming. help
<1 min
Words: 48
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Black Sheep (19)
Just a poem I guess
<1 min
Words: 128
Read Time: <1 min
and it said (continuation of prologue)
chapter one is coming soon.
2 mins
Words: 412
Read Time: 2 mins
Poem by ~ twixx ~ (16)
when you're gone, i dream of you
<1 min
Words: 107
Read Time: <1 min
Late Night Conversations Lead to Complications
Story by Kiraa (23)
It's just not the same
1 min
Words: 216
Read Time: 1 min
Poem by hvdiyya (14)
Why did you have to go....well that's life. Gotta put up with it.
<1 min
Words: 85
Read Time: <1 min
No Money Back Guarantee
Poem by Anthony E (55)
In life, there are no regrets and you have to live with your actions.
<1 min
Words: 113
Read Time: <1 min
Earthly Life : A Wide And Universal Theatre
Story by Aquarius (86)
From β€˜Songs Of Inspiration’
5 mins
Words: 1172
Read Time: 5 mins
Climbing New Heights
Poem by jeancommunicates (79)
Short poem for today
<1 min
Words: 88
Read Time: <1 min
Thinking of Job
Story by jeancommunicates (79)
When life is really tough, you can rejoice and remember two things that Job taught us.
3 mins
Words: 609
Read Time: 3 mins
The Little Star Called Favorites
Musing by jeancommunicates (79)
He is especially popular and you will agree.
<1 min
Words: 186
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Wafflecats22 (16)
It was dark. Or was dark it?
1 min
Words: 395
Read Time: 1 min
bioluminescence (part two)
Story by ~ twixx ~ (16)
dreamnotfound-ish -- sapnap may or may not feel guilty
3 mins
Words: 667
Read Time: 3 mins
Story by scorp (17)
a story of a life of a girl. she was afraid to grow up.
2 mins
Words: 481
Read Time: 2 mins
Just One Word
I’m taking a break from my story.
<1 min
Words: 176
Read Time: <1 min
Story by PuffyPancakes (16)
Another sleep story, read authors note after reading for more information. Not exactly horror, but I'd imagine it was scary
2 mins
Words: 488
Read Time: 2 mins
Wild Toast
Story by ~ twixx ~ (16)
An ancient wilderness spirit and a child.
5 mins
Words: 1088
Read Time: 5 mins
In the Mirror
Story by Poet (19)
when you look in the mirror
<1 min
Words: 87
Read Time: <1 min
she's still here
the school never claimed there was a body.
<1 min
Words: 127
Read Time: <1 min
Cult of Sins - Chapter 1
Part 1 // Read Prologue First
2 mins
Words: 567
Read Time: 2 mins
The Final Goodbye
Story by hvdiyya (14)
A quick story I created, to pass the time. Enjoy! <3 *Thanks for 100 views on Who Are You* means so much to me!
6 mins
Words: 1352
Read Time: 6 mins
Dreams N' Other Stuff
Story by PuffyPancakes (16)
Uh, what the title says. Its about dreams n' stuff.
1 min
Words: 327
Read Time: 1 min
Cult of Sins - Prologue
A new story I’m working on!
<1 min
Words: 165
Read Time: <1 min
The True Meaning of Life.
Poem by hvdiyya (14)
Obstacles are designed to make you stronger, only the weak avoid them. The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.
2 mins
Words: 527
Read Time: 2 mins
Poem by NorthernPhoenix (23)
One side of a phone call
<1 min
Words: 164
Read Time: <1 min
Completely Opposite
Poem by BlitzΓΈ (3)
Please let me know how I have to improve, thank you!
1 min
Words: 226
Read Time: 1 min
Who are you?
Poem by hvdiyya (14)
Who are you? I see you every day so sad... as if something's hurting you...
1 min
Words: 380
Read Time: 1 min
You're Pretty to Me
Musing by King (20)
I don't want perfect I want you
<1 min
Words: 113
Read Time: <1 min
Story by hvdiyya (14)
You blow out the candles on your cake and blink away the smoke from your beautiful eyes. Everyone smiles. Pats you on the back.Β IΒ wander closer from where I hide, somewhere besides the window...
12 mins
Words: 2525
Read Time: 12 mins
It doesn't interest me
Poem by hvdiyya (14)
A poem, that shows that you love them, for who they are, not what they are.
2 mins
Words: 421
Read Time: 2 mins
The Sound Of The Train.
Story by hvdiyya (14)
Beth wishes she could be a part of the passengers on the train. They're free and can do whatever they want, she thinks. She assumes she will never be a part of their freedom...
2 mins
Words: 433
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
I noticed you looked sad.
1 min
Words: 231
Read Time: 1 min
Story by 🌸Fate (28)
Psychologists have gone mad and took over the black market. Want to destroy the government, but you are too afraid to do so? They are just waiting for your call.
2 mins
Words: 586
Read Time: 2 mins
The Wolf and The Rabbit
Story by AaronTheRocker (21)
A horrific interaction between a prideful wolf and a little rabbit, if that's what it is. *My favorite writing I have created so far*
6 mins
Words: 1223
Read Time: 6 mins
Cultural Appropriation Accusations
Musing by AaronTheRocker (21)
Is cultural appropriation represented/used in it's intended way?
5 mins
Words: 1056
Read Time: 5 mins
Story by AaronTheRocker (21)
There's something inside the house hiding and peeking at me.
<1 min
Words: 187
Read Time: <1 min
I Need to Say Something
Poem by Dari Poulson (21)
I need to say something.Β  But I don't think anyone will listen.
<1 min
Words: 122
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by
Or life, if you want
<1 min
Words: 172
Read Time: <1 min
Seeing Red
Story by King (20)
The first day of school horror
1 min
Words: 272
Read Time: 1 min
How Rich Are We?
One day a father and his rich family took his son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose to ... (continued)
1 min
Words: 269
Read Time: 1 min
Poem by
We used to be friends.
<1 min
Words: 182
Read Time: <1 min
bioluminescence (part one)
Story by ~ twixx ~ (16)
dreamnotfound, maybe -- what would you do if your friend ran away?
2 mins
Words: 485
Read Time: 2 mins
November 21st at 6:58am
Story by 🌸Fate (28)
He opened his eyes again looking dull as ever. Time just keep repeating.
8 mins
Words: 1773
Read Time: 8 mins
My personal experience with depression. Touches on what I've gone through and how lucky I am to be where I am today.
2 mins
Words: 435
Read Time: 2 mins
A Tear to the Eye
Barbara was driving her six-year-old son, Benjamin, to his piano lesson when something bad happened....
2 mins
Words: 558
Read Time: 2 mins
Poem by NorthernPhoenix (23)
A poem I wrote during a time when I felt dark and hopeful at once.
<1 min
Words: 109
Read Time: <1 min
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
Just a conversation
1 min
Words: 382
Read Time: 1 min
Blossom and Bloom
Poem by AaronTheRocker (21)
Spring is the teacher of life-philosophy.
<1 min
Words: 95
Read Time: <1 min
A Celebration Of Spring
Poem by Aquarius (86)
From β€˜Words Of Hope And Encouragement For The Seasons Of The Year'
<1 min
Words: 194
Read Time: <1 min
Springtime Prayer
Poem by Aquarius (86)
From β€˜Easter Greetings’
<1 min
Words: 145
Read Time: <1 min
Dear Hand Sanitizer
Poem by BlitzΓΈ (3)
I know you'll read this so I just wanted to let you know I love you, Handzy... T~T
<1 min
Words: 184
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Poet (19)
Time flies when...
<1 min
Words: 111
Read Time: <1 min
Into the Mist
Story by Abbymo22 (23)
There is fear and fascination in the unknown.
1 min
Words: 216
Read Time: 1 min
i stay up too late sometimes
<1 min
Words: 69
Read Time: <1 min
hey you
a letter to whoever needs it today
<1 min
Words: 107
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Dari Poulson (21)
A short message from Monika. (Doki Doki Literature Club fanfic)
1 min
Words: 271
Read Time: 1 min
Moving On
Poem by Poet (19)
moving on is so hard.
<1 min
Words: 118
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Poet (19)
She had lists cluttering the room.
<1 min
Words: 74
Read Time: <1 min
a preview
just an idea of mine
2 mins
Words: 403
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by hercules (35)
A young woman called Hayley enters a stone circle in Cornwall and gets transported to a world inside the Earth called Agartha. While there, she meets one of the beings and is taken on an adventure to
15 mins
Words: 3036
Read Time: 15 mins
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is what beauty is to me.
1 min
Words: 303
Read Time: 1 min
Get Better
Story by nathaniel92 (32)
Chris is a troubled teenager. Harold is a young mischievous prankster at heart, but is hiding a secret. Together they will form a friendship that will improve Chris' life, and make him a better man.
51 mins
Words: 10306
Read Time: 51 mins
paper rings
another song- enjoy!
1 min
Words: 396
Read Time: 1 min
dear you (part three)
part three <3
1 min
Words: 229
Read Time: 1 min
dear you (part two)
this is part two..
1 min
Words: 224
Read Time: 1 min
Poem by ~ twixx ~ (16)
a poem about what lies beneath that you don't see. (mcyt/dream smp)
<1 min
Words: 73
Read Time: <1 min
Dear Friends,
My last letter to my group of friends...
1 min
Words: 363
Read Time: 1 min
Musing by AaronTheRocker (21)
Why 'labeling' people is dangerous in society.
5 mins
Words: 1192
Read Time: 5 mins
Take Me Away
Poem by King (20)
I only care what she thinks
<1 min
Words: 73
Read Time: <1 min
Catch Me..
Story by TheWeridDuckling (17)
Another story that ends with the beginning!
1 min
Words: 270
Read Time: 1 min
The Place of the Lost
Story by Friend (21)
Where was I? This whole thing felt unfamiliar like it was something out of a story or a dream.Β 
3 mins
Words: 705
Read Time: 3 mins
a small cloud of pent up emotions
<1 min
Words: 109
Read Time: <1 min
I Won't Go
Not everyone likes going outside.
1 min
Words: 299
Read Time: 1 min
The flicker of Death
Grace's best friend is stuck in a nightmare building. Will she escape?
3 mins
Words: 625
Read Time: 3 mins
A Moment of Power
And that story is you.
<1 min
Words: 105
Read Time: <1 min
Does This Happen to Anyone Else?
Musing by Thomas Ray (21)
Do you ever start writing something and just pause and wonder "what the heck am I writing?"
<1 min
Words: 129
Read Time: <1 min
An Evening Out
Story by Scriptorius (87)
A taxi driver helps a couple to enjoy an unusual evening.
4 mins
Words: 869
Read Time: 4 mins
Poem by Poet (19)
a bird that is trapped
<1 min
Words: 96
Read Time: <1 min
I Can Fly!
Story by TheWeridDuckling (17)
A story of a girl who could "fly"
1 min
Words: 275
Read Time: 1 min
The Sisters
Poem by Kiraa (23)
​​​​​​​after the poem β€œDie Family” by William Virgil Davis
<1 min
Words: 121
Read Time: <1 min
Happy birthday Jesus
Story by Kiraa (23)
Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow
1 min
Words: 333
Read Time: 1 min
Of Horn and Ivory
Poem by AaronTheRocker (21)
Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection will show the way.
1 min
Words: 249
Read Time: 1 min
Big Difference
The Boss drives his men, The Leader inspires them.. The Boss depends on authority, The Leader depend... (continued)
<1 min
Words: 69
Read Time: <1 min
Ceasebury: Chapter One
July 1st, The Colony of Virginia, 1781
6 mins
Words: 1255
Read Time: 6 mins
Dear Killer, My Lover 18+
A letter to read when you wake. If you wake.
7 mins
Words: 1448
Read Time: 7 mins
My Angel
Poem by LORD_JASON (21)
When all hope I lost on love... Till she walks by
<1 min
Words: 114
Read Time: <1 min
Oops, Wrong E-mail Address
Story by Galaxian (30)
He opened his laptop and sent his wife an e-mail. However....
1 min
Words: 227
Read Time: 1 min
Wolf--Version 2
Story by LeaSheryn (57)
A young man grows up in foster care, roams the country then becomes a big star
8 mins
Words: 1625
Read Time: 8 mins
No Turning Back (Part 1)
Story by Poet (19)
A hero and a villain.
3 mins
Words: 621
Read Time: 3 mins
Letters to Rachel
Story by Poet (19)
the title pretty much explains it
1 min
Words: 268
Read Time: 1 min
Story by HSuys (56)
funny covid-19 related sf
<1 min
Words: 100
Read Time: <1 min
Spiritual Knowledge : At What Price?
Story by Aquarius (86)
From β€˜Our World In Transition’
7 mins
Words: 1452
Read Time: 7 mins
getting better
i'm getting better without you.
<1 min
Words: 177
Read Time: <1 min
You will cry after reading this.
Story by Jaggergum (26)
About lots of different sad things that was happening to this person....The worst is about the dog being abandoned....
4 mins
Words: 869
Read Time: 4 mins
Monsters Under Our Beds
Poem by Poet (19)
What are they really like?
<1 min
Words: 128
Read Time: <1 min
Stereotypical Teens
Poem by Poet (19)
A short poem about being a teenager
<1 min
Words: 141
Read Time: <1 min
What We Didn't Have
Poem by
My first poem ever... Don't judge :(
1 min
Words: 209
Read Time: 1 min
i'll always be here
a poem for the lonely grey days when it's hard to keep going
<1 min
Words: 100
Read Time: <1 min
you are a beautiful person.
<1 min
Words: 192
Read Time: <1 min
tell me another story
We don't know all there is to know about the things that go bump in the night.
7 mins
Words: 1500
Read Time: 7 mins
Skies Fall
A travelling storyteller discovers something among abandoned ruins.
2 mins
Words: 565
Read Time: 2 mins
Without Grace
Why do we blame ourselves for things we can't control?
3 mins
Words: 763
Read Time: 3 mins
The Clockwork Forest
There began a ticking in the basement.
12 mins
Words: 2433
Read Time: 12 mins
A Blank White Page
What does it look like when a poem is born?
8 mins
Words: 1617
Read Time: 8 mins
Falsely Accused
They never forgave, and they never forgot.
4 mins
Words: 933
Read Time: 4 mins
Story by LeaSheryn (57)
Billy Harris writes a school assignment about his hero
2 mins
Words: 525
Read Time: 2 mins
Little Charlie and Me
Story by LeaSheryn (57)
Memories of a Summertime Friend
3 mins
Words: 684
Read Time: 3 mins
My Imaginary Friend
Story by
Marry had an unusual imaginary friend, but is he really imaginary?
2 mins
Words: 567
Read Time: 2 mins
Monsters in My Head
Poem by Poet (19)
Don't hate yourself. Please.
<1 min
Words: 82
Read Time: <1 min
Story by Poet (19)
This is a short story of a girl finding her 2nd family. Love and dreams :)
6 mins
Words: 1360
Read Time: 6 mins
A Friendship Fufilled
Story by Poet (19)
Alice is a loner, scared of getting out of her turtle shell. One day, a girl named Melody sees this, and slowly, but surely, gets to know Alice. Watch as their story unwravels.
9 mins
Words: 1894
Read Time: 9 mins
Paradise : Earthly Life Without Fear
Story by Aquarius (86)
From β€˜Our World In Transition’
7 mins
Words: 1593
Read Time: 7 mins
The Moving Finger Writes . . .
Story by Aquarius (86)
From β€˜Our World In Transition’
3 mins
Words: 769
Read Time: 3 mins
hey i want you guys to be happy.
<1 min
Words: 104
Read Time: <1 min
Intrusive Thoughts
Story by TheWeridDuckling (17)
This is my experience with intrusive thoughts.
<1 min
Words: 182
Read Time: <1 min
The happy pills
Story by Joshua_12 (20)
A sad short story about a little boy whose mother won't wake up.
1 min
Words: 330
Read Time: 1 min
The Purple Goo
Story by BlitzΓΈ (3)
Trust your senses but don't fall in.
<1 min
Words: 169
Read Time: <1 min
Dear dad...
Story by Joshua_12 (20)
A collection of letters a boy writes to his father after his father dies in a car accident.
2 mins
Words: 493
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by Leonardo (55)
Joe becomes puzzled by events surrounding his artist friend Frank's studio. A series of surprising coincidences lead him to suspect that somehow Frank is literally painting the future.
11 mins
Words: 2273
Read Time: 11 mins
Hansel & Grettle Are the Bad Guys
Story by Durandal (20)
This is an assignment I did for school. The story we used was one where Hansel & Grettle died. We had to make an argument in either the witch is or is not innocent.
3 mins
Words: 765
Read Time: 3 mins
Poem by BlitzΓΈ (3)
I know it's written a bit weird but other than that I hope you like it! :P
<1 min
Words: 144
Read Time: <1 min
Dead Promises
Poem by BlitzΓΈ (3)
Short poem I felt like writing. I really hope you enjoy!
<1 min
Words: 85
Read Time: <1 min
Murder Operation
Story by BlitzΓΈ (3)
This is a story about a girl who kept blaming herself to the point where she started killing herself.
3 mins
Words: 673
Read Time: 3 mins
Wedding Day
Story by LeaSheryn (57)
Confusion leading up to a wedding
7 mins
Words: 1414
Read Time: 7 mins
The Skin Tin 18+
Story by ClaudiaM (56)
A child collects skin as a hobby.
1 min
Words: 304
Read Time: 1 min
Surrounding Stars
Story by BlitzΓΈ (3)
Short story about a boy that lost his mom.
1 min
Words: 299
Read Time: 1 min